Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Government inquiries gather dust in backroom shelves

Government inquiries gather dust in backroom shelves


People need stable dignified lives but government funding cuts and technology are stealing that away

To the Expositor:

With the inquiry they are going to have about missing or murdered aboriginal women people who are attending should pay their own expenses like for their lodging, meals and mileage. No reimbursements should be allowed because this money would be better spent helping out the people who really needs it because there are a lot of people who are struggling with there incomes. And furthermore, there was an inquiry about this before that did have recommendations, but they never followed through with these recommendations nobody ever did any thing about it. That’s what I heard when they first started talking about it and these recommendations are just sitting on the shelves somewhere and collecting dust.

I will say it again: this has to do with having a financially stable life because if somebody does not have this they will try and find it and sometimes it does not work. Aboriginal communities need job creation.

Back in my day I can remember there were seasonal jobs available and today there is really nothing to do. In my community I see there could be a lot of work, for instance the side roads needs to be cleared and brush cutting is  needed to clear the ditches. Sometimes the side roads look like you’re driving into the jungle, that’s how bad it is and even women can clear the side roads or cut brush.

The government keeps cutting the funding that would help out the communities to create jobs because the government is too busy investing money into this stupid technology which is taking away jobs and if they do not smarten up we will probably continue to have this problem because jobs are what is needed.

Ronald Osawabine



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