Home News Local Gore Bay considers tenders for study of cruise ship dock

Gore Bay considers tenders for study of cruise ship dock

The Victory I on its inaugural 2019 stop in Little Current. Expositor file photo

GORE BAY—With phase one of the Town of Gore Bay marina expansion project having been substantially completed, and under budget, the town has now received tenders for an analysis to take place on whether the next stage of the marina expansion project is feasible.

As had been previously reported, the Town of Gore Bay had received a grant of $50,000 from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) for a feasibility study concerning anticipated further expansion work on its marina. The funding is to go toward a feasibility study to be carried out looking at a larger dock that can accommodate larger ships, off the breakwall. 

This larger dock was part of the town’s original marina expansion master plan carried out several years ago.

The town had put out a request for proposals for the feasibility study. “We have three tender (bids) to carry out the feasibility study,” Stasia Carr, town clerk, told members of the town public works committee at a meeting last week. 

Ms. Carr explained the three tenders include one from the Creva Group in the amount of $49,600 plus tax; a second from Limestone Partners in the amount of $43,500 plus tax; and the third from Lakeshore Excursions in the amount of $70,000 plus tax.

Staff and committee members will review and consider the three tenders and bring this to council for consideration. 

Ms. Carr told The Expositor after the meeting, “the company whose tender is accepted to carry out the study will analyze and make a recommendation as to whether it is feasible (for the town) to move forward with the plans for the cruise ship dock. The company that is chosen will be conducting a market analysis. It has been awhile since we have been able to look at this due to the pandemic, and the town is happy to have received the funding so the evaluation study can be carried out and a recommendation sent to council for its consideration.”

At the committee meeting last week, Michael Lalonde, town treasurer, updated the committee on phase one of the marina upgrades project that had been carried out in the past year. “The marina upgrades have reached substantial completion with the acknowledgement of the remaining work to be completed once the electrical supplies are provided by Hydro One.” He also mentioned there is some work to be done at Fish Point by Build North Construction.” The work still to be completed includes electrical work on piers 9/10, pier 10 and two.

“We have the final (financial) numbers for the project,” said Mr. Lalonde. He explained as per the attached financial statement, the total true financial costs of the project to the Town of Gore Bay is $1,990,188.86 The contributions to date have been $2,000,000. The remaining $9,811.14 will be identified to the contributor and held by the town in the deferred revenue until further direction is received from the contributor.

Mr. Lalonde explained the original budget was $2,060,981.72 including the expectation of not recovering a portion of the HST. The net reduction, -$70,792.05, involves an increase of engineering costs +18,775, net reduction in the planned five percent contingency -$53,921.95 and recovery of all HST funding -$35,027.32. “This left a little over a $9,800 surplus in contributions received.” 

“It is nice to see a job coming in on budget,” stated Gore Bay Mayor Dan Osborne. 

Phase one of the marina expansion project included removing the existing shore connections at piers one and two at the marina, installing a sheet pile wall at the main dock access platform and associated wood decking; installing new shore connections and removing the old Okeechobee Lodge docks at piers three and four, replacing them with new floating docks and all associated water and electrical; and removing the old docks at Fish Point and replacing them with new floating docks and associated water and electrical (piers nine and 10).

The town received a donation from a private donator to carry out phase one of the project. At a July 2020 meeting, Gore Bay council had passed a motion and gave its approval from among three tenders, awarding the contract to Build North Construction. As well, Exp. was the engineer and managed the project.


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