Home News Local Gore Bay accepts docking system extension bid

Gore Bay accepts docking system extension bid


GORE BAY—Gore Bay town council has accepted a bid for the consulting service for the engineering and design for an extension of its docking system.

At a meeting last week, council passed a motion to hire EXP Service Inc. in the amount of $198,710 (plus HST) to provide consulting services for the engineering and design, and environmental implications/assessment for an extension of docking systems, replacement of docks, and installation of new docking system off the breakwall.

“They (EXP) will carry out the engineering work for the design, layout, and the new docks (to be done in phases) based on our input,” explained Gore Bay Mayor Dan Osborne, after the council meeting. He noted council has already provided some input into the plans for the work.

The Town of Gore Bay had requested proposals for the improvement and expansion of its docks, along with the nearby waterfront area. The Town of Gore Bay is now planning to complete phase two of the waterfront master plan to install piers 11, 12 and 13, replace pier 10 and replace the used docks on piers three, four and nine.

During the preliminary design task, the following tasks will be completed by EXP: complete above water structure investigation of the docks; prepare preliminary design including anchoring system, electrical services, lighting; preliminary liaison with government agencies, public officials, and other stakeholders, as required; identify potential conflicts and liaise with the client; define class EA and determine type of schedule; provisions for schedule A or A+ have been included with the fees submitted; prepare preliminary construction cost estimate at 30 percent completion.

Upon completion of this task, the town can expect from EXP preliminary design drawings at 30 percent completion; preliminary construction cost estimate at 30 percent completion; recommendation of construction/staging methods to reduce impact on traffic, pedestrians and area residents and boaters; recommendation for additional investigation of potential conflicts, if required; draft options and recommendations report; interim reporting meeting at town to review and discuss the above.

From there EXP will provide a final options and recommendation report, drawings, specifications and cost estimate submission at completion; 100 complete specifications, tender documents and form of tender cost estimate; three sets of 24” x 36” complete detailed design drawings and details and a copy of the contract drawings.

Mayor Osborne told The Recorder that previously under the marina project, the main dock had been extended and additions were made at the Fish Point. As part of this phase of the project, the town is looking at replacing the docks they had received years ago from Okeechobee Lodge.
Funding being carried out by EXP is being provided by a private donor.


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