Home News Local Good day of fishing had at annual Kagawong Small Mouth Bass Derby

Good day of fishing had at annual Kagawong Small Mouth Bass Derby

Maurice Popelier and John Cada accept first prize from Joan Brough at the Kagawong small mouth bass tournament held August 9.

SPRING BAY—The 25th anniversary of the Lake Kagawong Small Mouth Bass Derby was celebrated in grand style on August 10 as event entrants and friends gathered at the property of Leish and John Laurenssen to listen to music by The Islanders, salute the winners of the competition and enjoy a great fish dinner. Sixty-three boats participated in the August 9 one-day tournament which started at 6 am and ran until 8 pm with a total of six fish recorded for each boat. This occasion was started by Herbie Colette, Bud Weadick and Lewis Hartley in memory of Steven Shank Vincent, an avid fisherman. A special award was given to Mr. Weadick at the celebration as a thank you for his work in initiating and helping to run the derby in the early years.

Linda Taylor is the president of the Spring Bay Fish Club and she and her husband Bill have organized this derby for the past 20 years with all profits going to the Starlight Children’s Foundation, a charitable organization that works both in hospital and out to bring laughter and hope to children with serious illnesses.

Trudy Rudolph of Richmond Hill was on hand again this year to represent the Starlight Foundation and this year was especially distinctive as Ms. Taylor and her daughter Diana St. Pierre of Espanola were welcomed by Ms. Rudolph as the go-to wish granters for children on Manitoulin and the North Shore. As Ms. Taylor explained, this role has not been filled for many years and she and her daughter are moved to be accepted to take on this position. “I am excited to make a difference in a child’s life,” Ms. St. Pierre told The Expositor. “I would ask anyone in the North Shore area to contact me at 705-869-7512 if they know of a child who deserves a wish.”

Ms. Rudolph had another surprise on hand as she spoke of how wonderful it was to be back on Manitoulin and to thank everyone who worked so hard to make the derby a success. She went on to say that an entertainment unit, valued at $7,500, will be placed at Health Sciences North in Sudbury on behalf of the Kagawong Bass Derby. These mobile units feature a flat screen television, a Nintendo Wii and a DVD player and will be used by children in the hospital. The lifespan of these units is eight years and over and Ms. Rudolph explained that over 4,000 children will be impacted by their use.

The celebration also saw remarks by Ms. Taylor as she announced that the derby raised $7,500 last year. “Not bad,” she said, “for Spring Bay for one weekend.” Ms. Taylor also thanked all the volunteers for their help in making the event a success including the music makers, dock master, recorder, cooks, bartender, people selling tickets for a draw as well as for hats and shirts and tickets on a bench made by Stan Lovie which was won by Dave Chwalchuk. She also thanked Rollanda Tovey who has made and donated quilts for the derby for eight years. In a unique coincidence, Ms. Taylor was the winner of the beautiful quilt fittingly featuring different fish. Ms. Taylor was also grateful to all the people who donated prizes which saw every angler receive a gift and to those who made monetary donations.

The first place winners of the Kagawong Derby were Maurice Popelier and John Cada with a total weight of six fish of 21.8 pounds. The father and son team of John and Garnet Pearson took home second prize with a weight of 21.41 pounds while Stephanie King and Lewis Hartley brought in a total weight of 20.75 pounds.

Other awards at the derby included largest bass at 4.60 pounds, won by David Pearson who was awarded the Joshua Montgomery trophy, largest fish other than bass at 1.05 lbs caught by a female along with the Barb Weadick award which Marilyn Breathart won and the largest fish again other than bass for males which went to David Weadick for his 4.10 pounds which also garnered him the Bob Haskett trophy. This year’s derby saw a tie for the largest perch for the John Wright Memorial Trophy which was won by Michelle Hunter and Ellie Weber with .55 pounds. The mystery weight award, which was 12.40 pounds, went to the Blaine Osterkruger and Ken Nodecker team who received the Nora Weadick Trophy. Rounding out the awards was the Art Breathart Trophy for three perch caught by a youth, which went to Nolan Hare with his fish weighing .36 pounds.

The anglers winning the trophies also received cash prizes with several people giving their winnings to the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

For more information about the derby or the Starlight Children’s Foundation, call Ms. Taylor at 705-282-2273.


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