Home News Local Get bidding! Dewar family syrup auction for Northern Cancer Foundation on now

Get bidding! Dewar family syrup auction for Northern Cancer Foundation on now


PROVIDENCE BAY—It’s time once again for the annual Dewar Family Sugar Shack Syrup Auction where the first bottle of the coveted sweet stuff is auctioned off with all proceeds going to the Health Sciences North/Horizon Santé-Nord Northern Cancer Foundation.

“It’s earlier than usual, but it’s here folks!” said Travis Dewar in a post on his Facebook page. “The taps have been dripping, the sweet steam has been rolling and that first coveted litre has been bottled. So it’s time for something I look forward to every year—auction time!”

“What’s on the block, you ask?” he continued. “Well, it’s the first litre of that precious liquid gold created by the Dewar Family Maple Syrup Shack in 2018!”

“Want to be the first to lather your pancakes or waffles with perfection?” Mr. Dewar adds. “It’s easy enough. Bid now and bid high!”

The first litre of sap is waiting for your bid.

All proceeds from the auction are donated to Health Sciences North/Horizon Santé-Nord Northern Cancer Foundation. The winner will receive not only this precious litre of syrup but will also receive a receipt from the Northern Cancer Foundation in the amount of the winning bid. Donations are also accepted and receipts will be issued from the Northern Cancer Foundation in the amount of the donations.

All bidders will be placed into a draw for a chance to win a few other prizes as well, Mr. Dewar said.

The bidding occurs on the Dewar Family Maple Syrup Shack Facebook page and must be done in full dollar increments.

Bidding will end Thursday, March 15 at 7 pm sharp.

“Thank you everyone in advance for making this event such a great success,” Mr. Dewar said. “To date $2,260 (2015, $150; 2016, $400; and 2017, $850) has be donated to the Health Sciences North Northern Cancer Foundation and I can guarantee that every penny counts and makes a difference there.”

Happy bidding!

For more information or to make a donation, contact Mr. Dewar via Facebook private message or at (705) 929-3137.


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