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Friends & Neighbours


Team Fergmeijer

As the first month of 2023 comes to a close, the days are getting noticeably longer, and Dry January is going really well for Team Fergmeijer. Even if everyone keeps saying that we need to shower.

Tomorrow (Thursday, January 26) from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Manitoulin Streams is hosting Youth Rangers’ Night at the Park Centre, where students in grades one to eight can learn more about local mammals and winter track identification. For more information or to register your child/children, contact getinvolved.manitoulinstreams@gmail.com

We don’t know about you, but doing puzzles brings Team Fergmeijer an inner piece. If you’d like a piece of that, be sure to come out this weekend for a Puzzle Swap at the Billings Library! Stop in, Saturday, January 28 from 10 am to 1 pm. Bring the jigsaw puzzles of your past to trade for the jigsaw puzzles of your future and mingle with other like-minded puzzle lovers (don’t worry, you’ll fit right in). 

Happy birthday wishes go out to Susie D who turned 29 this Monday. We don’t want to say she came back to town for a visit just to ensure she didn’t turn some other age (who knows how things work over in Calgary!), but it is a bit suspicious. Also turning 29 this week is Jenna C and belated 29th birthday wishes to Stephanie H. Remember that age is just a number and we should always take getting a year older with a grain of salt. Even better if it’s several grains on the rim of a margarita!

Looking to stay active? Kagawong has you covered! The community rink is now open – pop in any time of the day or night and take advantage of the roof and lights! Hats off to the volunteers who maintain this incredible space. If indoor activities are more your thing, Zumba classes are also starting up at the Park Centre, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm beginning January 31st. So get on out there and boogie or glide your way to healthy living!

Missed the last Billings council meeting? The township is now sharing Council Meeting Highlights in the days after the meeting. Check out the township website at http://billingstwp.ca.

Did you miss our holiday special? Or want to relive the adventures of the Kagawong Gobble Brigade? Catch up on old times with the complete archive of Team Fergmeijer columns, all the way back to 2015! Check out http://teamfergmeijer.blogspot.com to get your fill of puns and Kagawong happenings.

Reminder that the fire hall is still off-limits for safety reasons. Please utilize the water at the public works garage at 34 Carter Crescent. Please be mindful of the bay doors, and do not leave your vehicle unattended.

January is on the way out, and February is almost here. To celebrate the shortest month of the year, we are pleased to announce the second annual Short Poems for a Short Month! Submit your haiku, rhyming couplet, limerick or sonnet to fergmeijer@gmail.com and we will add them to the column! We’ll get you started:

This is a ho-hum poem.

It was a pretty busy week last week, so much so that one half of Team Fergmeijer was so tired that she fell asleep on a jigsaw. She woke up with a puzzled look on her face. Have a good week!

Silver Water
Karen Noble

Albert Meijer talked to the surgeon on Monday over the phone. He was satisfied with the x-rays and felt he no longer needed to monitor Albert’s back. 

There were 20 people at the Silver Water Community Hall on Wednesday night for line dancing. Join in next time, the cost is $3 per person with half going to the hall and half to the teachers.

There were three full tables for euchre on Thursday night in Silver Water.

Meldrum Bay had four tables for euchre on Friday night. Linda Rumley won high lady; Steve Gugelyk won the high man score; Myra Duncanson had the most lone hands for the ladies; men’s lone hands was won by Tom Rumley; Diane Jones had the most euchres.

Rebecca Bender came to visit some of her former neighbours on Saturday and had supper with Shelley Cull at Doug at Brenda Carter’s home.

Brenda Carter, Shelley Cull and I walk every day and are going a longer distance each day. The heavy snow stopped me last Thursday but the other two walked on Burnt Island Road.

Andy Cull is visiting his mother, Ardith, for a few weeks.

We are looking forward to the spaghetti dinner in Meldrum Bay on Friday, January 27 with euchre afterwards and to the Winter Fun Day on Sunday, February 19 with lunch first then a euchre tournament in the afternoon.  Watch for the advertisements with the details.

There will be a Valentine’s Day potluck supper at the Silver Water Community Hall on Monday, February 13 at 5:30 pm. It is being organized by St Andrew’s United Church with the proceeds going to the Angel Bus.   

Happy Birthday to Anne Boyd on January 24.


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