Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Former Northeast Town councillor challenges property gift

Former Northeast Town councillor challenges property gift


EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is an open letter to the mayor and council of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands and has been reprinted here at the author’s request.

NEMI Mayor and Council,

I feel the property that was St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Sheguiandah should be sold and not donated to any group.

Funds from that money should be used to build a memorial tower to hold the bell and incorporate the memorial stained-glass window at the museum. Historical buildings should never be removed to make a parking lot. We cannot turn back the clock now that this has been done but we can certainly try to make amends to the people of the hamlet that built the church, were married, baptised and buried from the church.

This is my perspective on what has happened here in the hamlet of Sheguiandah. We need to be building our nostalgia and drawing visitors. The replica mill site is a prime example of a visitor’s drawing card.


Christina Jones


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