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Farm Facts & Furrows


by OMAFRA Ag Rep Brian Bell

2019 International Plowing Match

Join us to learn all about the 2019 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (which will be held near Cache Bay, fall of 2019). This meeting is planned for October 18 from 6 to 9 pm in Sturgeon Falls. For more information, contact: Catherine Levac – Lafond: 1 (705) 753-6958 or clevac-lafond@westnipissing.ca

Forage Focus 2018

Plans are well underway for the Forage Focus 2018 Conference with an exciting line-up of speakers and trade show participants. You will notice one significant difference for 2018…the venue! Forage Focus has moved to the Rotary Complex in Stratford and will broadcast a live stream to remote locations in the eastern and northern parts of the province.  For anyone interested in having a web cast locally, please contact me at 705-282-1638. This year, our featured keynote speaker will be Dr. Michael Hutjens. Supporting speakers will include; Christine O’Reilly and Christine Brown from OMAFRA, and an award-winning forage producer (TBA). a


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