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Farm Facts and Furrows


By OMAFRA Ag Rep Brian Bell


Much like the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency for cattle the pork industry has PigTrace. PigTrace was established to improve emergency management in the event of a food safety issue or foreign animal disease outbreak in the pork sector. In addition to the identification aspect PigTrace is also designed to track pig movements between farms. Feeder pigs are tracked using a manifest which is to accompany the shipment. Breeding stock uses individual identification tags while cull stock and market stock can be identified using a tag or a shoulder slap tattoo when they leave the farm. Movements are to be entered into the database within seven days of the shipment or receipt of the pigs. Data can be entered at: http://pigtrace.ca/ where additional information can also be found. PigTrace is not mandatory at this time however that is expected to change in the coming months.

As of July 1, 2016 all employers in Ontario, including farmers, are required to comply with new workplace noise regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The legislation states that farmers and other employers shall ensure that their employees are not exposed to hazardous levels of noise. Hazardous noise, according to the legislation, is 85 dBA or louder, for a time period of approximately eight hours. This legislation does not apply to self-employed farmers with no employees. What this means to farmers: This results in additional responsibilities for farmers to ensure safe working conditions for their employees. Key changes: Farmers shall take reasonable measures for the circumstances, to protect workers from exposure to hazardous sound levels. Noise protective measures may be engineering controls (altering work environment), work practices and, where required and permitted, hearing protection devices.


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