Home News Police Espanola Traffic & Collision Report

Espanola Traffic & Collision Report


Date: January 22, 2018 Time: 1300 hours

The Espanola Police Service, in partnership with Accident Support Services International, compiles statistics relating to motor vehicle collisions within the Municipalities that fall under the jurisdiction of the Espanola Police Service.

Data is collected and analyzed involving four main collision types 1) Vehicle collisions 2) Pedestrian collisions 3) Collisions involving drugs or alcohol and 4) Snowmobile collisions.

In 2017 there were 95 reportable motor vehicle collisions involving 174 vehicles. The majority of collisions were classified as property damage only while 6% involved personal injuries. There were no fatalities. 36% of the collisions involved unattended motor vehicles.

The highest number of collisions occurred during the months of October to February with December and February accounting for 21% of the year’s total number of collisions. Most collisions occurred during the business week (Monday through Friday) with Thursday having the most occurrences between 11 am and 4 pm. Most of these collisions occurred around 3 pm.

When collisions occurred, 89% of the time the weather conditions were clear and 68% of the time road conditions were dry, however, 7% of the time either for and/or snow was a factor and 28% of the time the road surface was covered with snow or wet. 60% of the time drivers were found to be driving properly, however, 30% of the time driver’s failed to yield the right of way. 58% of involved driver’s conditions were described as normal, however, 25% were inattentive.

Collision prevention must be the priority of every driver on our roadways, highways and trails. Social costs, both directly and indirectly, to those involved (driver, passengers and society at large) can be substantial. Costs can include property damage, higher insurance rates, medical expenses and loss of income. Human costs can include serious life-altering injury and the loss of a loved one.

With this information and other data obtained from local collision reports, officers will be conducting directed enforcement in an attempt to enhance driver/pedestrian awareness and encourage compliance with traffic laws.

Under our current Business Plan 2016 – 2018 the Espanola Police Service is committed to promoting safe driving through enforcement strategies and public education.  The information within this press release is to alert the motoring public as to the frequency of most collisions within our community educating the public in our joint efforts to reduce collisions in the future.


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