Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Emergency plan needed

Emergency plan needed


“It could have been a bad situation”

To the Expositor:

Well our hydro went out on January 14 at approximately eight o’clock in the morning with several people being affected. I myself do not have a cell phone, along with other people in our community.

No hydro, no emergency plan could have been a bad situation when we have a lot of senior people in wheelchairs and people who need medical services. No way did we have any idea how long the hydro would be off. No reeve or any council members came to our door to see how anybody was making out.

Let’s voice our opinion on this matter. Could have been a lot worse if the weather was cold and windy. A big thank you to Hydro One for getting the hydro on as quick as possible. When my hydro was back on I went to my computer on Monday and I found out the warming place was at the arena.

How are senior people in wheelchairs going to get there? Hopefully next time council has this organized. When other communities have backup plans. Let’s push our council to do something about this situation before something tragic happens.

Cheryl O’Brien



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