Home Op-Ed Editorial Editorial: Respect volunteers; they truly make our world go ‘round

Editorial: Respect volunteers; they truly make our world go ‘round


Several incredible events have taken place this summer, the most recent being this past weekend’s Manitoulin Country Fest, and just before that the Little Current Lions celebrated the community extravaganza known as Haweater Weekend, each of which would be literally impossible without the tireless efforts of countless volunteers. So it was with tremendous dismay that The Expositor became aware of the abuse of volunteers by a handful of people attending Manitoulin Country Fest that led, at least in part, to the closing of the onsite parking lots.

Manitoulin Minor Hockey has traditionally provided the volunteers who guide vehicles into the next available space and certain individuals, granted, a very small number of those attending, took it upon themselves to berate and threaten some of the volunteers when they did not like the space they were allocated—insisting on parking in locations the volunteers knew would block others in and, quite likely, result in the improperly parked vehicles being towed.

This is simply unacceptable behaviour towards a group of people without whose efforts such events could and would not take place.

There are still several events left in the summer calendar, many of which are quite popular and require co-operation in parking so that everyone can enjoy the day. Taking out frustrations on the very people who are trying to assist is puzzling to say the least and wildly counterproductive at best.

If you can’t keep your temper in check when attending events, perhaps it is in everyone’s best interest and enjoyment to remain safely parked at home. You will be doing everyone a favour.

It has been said in this space many times before, but we will reserve the space to say it once again because it can never be said enough: to all of the many volunteers who spend their most valuable of assets, time, in order that we may all enjoy these amazing events in the summer season and throughout the year—thank you. Your efforts not only make events possible, quite often the money you raise at these events help fund good works throughout the year. You are, without a trace of hyperbole, a simply amazing group of just plain ordinary folks who do extraordinary things.


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