Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Does killing wildlife solve our problems?

Does killing wildlife solve our problems?


Let’s explore ways to co-exist

To the Expositor:

I just returned from a trip to Kenya, Africa, where wildlife faces many threats of which the most challenging is of human wildlife conflict. When a herd of elephants eat up the crops in a family shamba (small farm) calls are made to the Kenya Wildlife Service to exterminate them. Shoot them, cull them, get rid of them.

This is the same scenario I witnessed on the front page of your newspaper.

It seems the human population is growing and room and tolerance for wildlife keeps shrinking. Are we going to keep killing wildlife to solve our problems? Will that truly solve our problems? How about exploring ways in which we can co exist, whereby we do not have to kill and cull. We are an intelligent, and advanced society and I am sure we can do that if we put our minds, hearts and resources to it. Then perhaps we can share what we discover and implement with countries such as Kenya.

Thank you.

Sajidha Bagha

121 Maple Lane

Central Manitoulin


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