Home News Local Decision on new councillor will be carried out in regular council meeting

Decision on new councillor will be carried out in regular council meeting


The Recorder

MINDEMOYA—Central Manitoulin council will not be going into an in camera meeting prior to announcing their selection to fill the vacancy of council in ward three (Sandfield).

The regular meeting of council scheduled for Thursday of last week was cancelled, meaning the selection of a new councillor to fill the vacant seat will take place at a council meeting on February 28.

“We will be looking after this at our next council meeting,” Richard Stephens, mayor of Central Manitoulin, told the Recorder late last week. “Yes, we got advice that this issue is not to be in camera. I don’t agree with it because my feeling is that (going to an in camera meeting) would provide councillors an open opportunity to ask questions and discuss the candidates and their qualifications, but we will have the discussion in the open council portion of the meeting.”

This comes after council discussed this issue at a recent regular meeting where Mayor Stephens had indicated council would be moving into camera to discuss the candidates and make a recommendation. Council would then come out of the in-camera meeting to announce the candidate it had chosen.

“So we are going to be basing our decision on their application only, no interview?” asked Councillor Derek Stephens at the meeting. “We hold all candidates’ nights for elections, where candidates put forward their platform and are asked questions by members of the public. I don’t understand why we are going to discuss the candidates in camera. We’re not going to be interviewing them? I’m not comfortable looking at a piece of paper and choosing a candidate from there.”

“Two of the candidates are familiar to council and the third has provided a very detailed outline of their qualifications and what they have been involved in in the community,” said Councillor Linda Farquhar.

Councillor Steve Shaffer voiced a concern that the issue does not qualify as an in camera discussion, noting that the issue is not about staffing but council. 

However, council was told by municipal staff that council can go into a closed meeting if the information to be discussed involves an identifiable individual.

Councillor Angela Johnston said, “I like the ideal of interviewing the candidates.” She explained that in a small community, “we may have preconceived notions of the individuals in another setting, but I am not sure what we would ask. I am okay either way.”

Mayor Stephens also noted that council has made appointments to council in the past using this process. 

“Maybe they (council candidates) have questions to ask us,” said Councillor Stephens. “We keep getting told council goes into to many in camera meetings now.”  

Mayor Stephens told the Recorder last week that there are three candidates who have put their names forward to fill the vacant council seat for Sandfield.


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