Home News Local Dave DeLisle named AMK candidate for People’s Party

Dave DeLisle named AMK candidate for People’s Party

Dave De Lisle says he supports PPC leader Maxime Bernier’s vision for a Canada that puts the needs of its citizens first.

SMOOTH ROCK FALLS – The most important priority is looking after Canada’s needs first for Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing’s newest federal candidate, Dave DeLisle, who has recently been named as the People’s Party of Canada (PPC)’s choice for the riding.

“Our party is the only one that is going to save Canada,” says Mr. DeLisle.

With no local PPC representation in the riding, Mr. DeLisle decided to put his name forward and had soon secured the spot.

“I had been following (Maxime Bernier, PPC founder and leader) since he left the Conservative Party and I voted for him as a Conservative card-carrying member when the Conservative elections were going on. I decided Max seemed to be a pretty good guy,” he says. “I know there’s lots of people out there saying things about him, but that’s irrelevant to the fact that what he’s looking out for is my vision for Canada. Canadians first—our best interest is what’s important.”

Mr. DeLisle moved from Windsor to Smooth Rock Falls about two-and-a-half years ago following a coronary heart attack and a couple of mini-strokes. He enjoys fishing and hunting and said the quieter pace of life was a good fit after his health scare.

“I’ve always been an outgoing person. I can talk to people, I’m not afraid of that,” he says. “The general consensus of the Canadian people I’ve spoken to is we need change. The same-old, same-old is not working.”

Mr. DeLisle describes the PPC immigration policy as the best option and the one that speaks to him.

“(Mr. Bernier) wants to bring down the amount of immigrants coming in but he also wants to get the people who are actually qualified to work. We can’t afford to support people on welfare,” says Mr. DeLisle. “We’re not a racist party. We’re for Canada and Canadians. We accept immigration and immigrants, but we want them properly vetted and those who will benefit society and not go against the grain … it’s too bad if people are offended, but that’s the way it is.”

Mr. DeLisle says he appreciates Mr. Bernier’s emphasis on free speech and freedom of the press.

“We should have truth in our politics. None of this hiding stuff like the shootings going on that Trudeau doesn’t want to get out in the media and is buying the media to get his way with our tax money. I really have issues with this,” he says, adding that foreign aid money should only be sent after the government deals with its own people, such as seniors and veterans, who are living on the street.

He says taxes are far too high and parents are having to work exceptionally long weeks while their children are raised largely by teachers and babysitters.

“These are not the government’s children, these are our children and our families. We need to raise them with the moral values that we have. We need to let the kids be kids and have none of the LGBTQ crap in the schools,” says Mr. DeLisle. “Let them, when they reach puberty or older, make the decision as to what they want to do. That’s their choice. Don’t tell a kid what he’s going to be or she’s going to be, not something that they have no clue what that even is.”

Mr. DeLisle says he wants to work on breaking the wheat, maple syrup and dairy ‘cartels’ that have increased prices in the name of profits. He says he wants to see the United Nations removed from Canada so they do not dictate policies and says it is important to get the government’s finances in order, create jobs at home and get pipelines built. As for religious values, Mr. DeLisle says he is happy to allow people to practice any faith as long as their views are not extremist.

“I’m against people telling me that I have to do something because they’re offended if I don’t. This is Canada, this isn’t any other country,” he says. “I do not want Sharia Law under any circumstances in this country, and (Mr. Bernier) is also against that.”

Mr. DeLisle says the PPC is gaining support from former Liberal, NDP, Green and Conservative party members and people of all cultural backgrounds, including immigrants who have “assimilated to our culture.” He adds that he is not concerned about vote splitting because votes always get split between the various parties.

Mr. DeLisle says the PPC wants to get rid of the carbon tax.

“Unlike the Conservatives, we don’t want to replace it with another tax. We want it gone permanently so people can afford to eat—less taxes is what we’re all about,” he says.

One thing which Mr. DeLisle cites as a problem is the globalist position shared by numerous parties, including the Conservatives, which contrasts with the PPC’s Canada-first ideology.

“We have borders for a reason. Without borders, why even call it Canada? Just call it ‘world,’” says Mr. DeLisle. “Canadians need to be able to survive. Our cultural values are being destroyed.”

He says his family and friends in the military have fought and died for the values of Canada. As a patriot, he says Canada’s needs should come first.

“I support that 100 percent. I believe in Canada as a free country,” he says. “We are a pro-Canada, Canadians’-best-interest party. We’re going to get things done and Canadians are the priority.”


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