Home News Police Cyber Crime Investigation nets Greater Sudbury Police Employee

Cyber Crime Investigation nets Greater Sudbury Police Employee


The Greater Sudbury Police Service Cyber Crime Unit is part of the Ontario Provincial Strategy to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation on the Internet.

Our participation in this strategy has been made possible by a grant from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ministry of the Attorney General.

During one of our recent investigations, a City of Greater Sudbury man was identified as a suspect in a Child Pornography investigation. It was also determined that the suspect in this investigation is an employee of the Greater Sudbury Police Service. This individual is a part-time civilian employee of the Administrative Branch of the Service.

As a result of this investigation, the following charge has been laid:

One Count – Possession of Child Pornography

Chief Pedersen states “It is disappointing when a member of our service has been charged as a result of a Criminal Investigation but I am completely confident in the judicial systems and processes that are in place that hold our people accountable.”

This employee has been suspended from duty, without pay.

Although there are internal mechanisms in place to ensure that computer systems do not access inappropriate material while on duty, an internal audit is also being conducted on these systems to confirm that our filters are working properly.


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