Home News Local COVID-19 in Sudbury & districts: Your weekly update December 3, 2020

COVID-19 in Sudbury & districts: Your weekly update December 3, 2020


Reporting period: Thursday, November 26, to Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

December 3, 2020 — The following is a summary of how the status of COVID-19 has changed in Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ service area over the last seven days up to end of day December 2, 2020: 5 new cases, 11 cases were resolved, 0 deaths occurred. At end of day December 2, 2020, there were 8 active cases in our service area, all of whom are self-isolating. COVID-19 has led to a total of 232 local cases of which 224 are resolved. Two people have died in our service area.

Trends in the past seven days

  • Of the 5 new cases in our service area, 2 were close contacts of confirmed cases and 2 were travel-related cases. This means that Public Health identified how these people were exposed to COVID-19 and was able to take quick action to prevent further spread. The investigation was ongoing regarding the exposure of the 5th case.
  • There were no cases related to outbreaks in the past 7 days.
  • All 5 cases were from Greater Sudbury.
  • By end of day on December 2, contact tracing information was available for all 5 of the new cases. Through our investigation, we identified 30 people who had high-risk close contacts with these cases. That is an average of 6 high-risk close contacts per case, which is a consistent with last week. Public Health follows up directly and regularly with every high-risk close contact to monitor them for symptoms, ensure they are self-isolating, and make recommendations for testing according to provincial guidance.
  • The 7-day incidence rate was 2.5 per 100,000 population (compared to 9.1 for the previous 7 days); the percent positivity was 0.3% (compared to 0.5% for the previous days).
  • For the period of November 25 to December 1, the effective reproductive number (Rt) for northern Ontario was 1.1, compared with 1.1 for Ontario overall.
  • As of Monday, November 16, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. Public Health Sudbury & Districts is in the “Yellow-Protect” category of the provincial COVID-19 response framework (Government of Ontario). Strengthened public health measures are in effect in our service area to help control the spread of COVID-19. Being in the “Yellow-Protect” zone also serves as a signal to our communities that we are going in the wrong direction and that we must recommit to public health measures.

Stay COVID-safe

  • Returning home for the holidays? Think about how you can be extra safe during the two weeks before your trip. Practise physical distancing, wear your face covering, and wash your hands often. Don’t gather with people you don’t live with. Consider postponing your trip if you feel unwell. Celebrate in a COVID-safe
  • Incorporate new and old ways to stay connected this season. Reach out to others by picking up the phone, sending a text, or even writing a letter.
  • Stay home if you are feeling sick. Reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 by self-isolating and seeking testing if you have symptoms.
  • Alone for the holidays? There are many agencies and supports that can help you. The holidays can be especially challenging for your mental health. Consider reaching out to local mental health supports. You can also help others by reaching out to people who may need support.

Message from Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Medical Officer of Health

For some of us, the upcoming winter holidays are a time to celebrate and connect with friends and loved ones. For many, the holidays also can be stressful – and this year, especially so. Remember, you are not alone. Reach out to friends, loved ones, or connect with local agencies and resources. Treat yourself with kindness and respect and offer the same to others who may need support. This pandemic is not a forever-thing, but the lives we touch can be. Share a smile (behind the mask), practice patience, and lend a hand when it is least expected. This season, let’s kill this virus with kindness! We’ve got this!

Regular updates

Visit phsd.ca/COVID-19/data for regular updates about COVID-19 testing, confirmed cases, as well as outbreaks and potential exposures in Greater Sudbury, the District of Sudbury, and the District of Manitoulin. In addition, a detailed epidemiology summary is posted Mondays and Thursdays that includes information about cases over time, case characteristics, probable exposures, case outcomes, testing, and outbreaks in facilities.

For more information or if you have questions, please visit phsd.ca/COVID-19 or call Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705.522.9200 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).


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