Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Congratulations on the creation of the Aboriginal Country Music Association

Congratulations on the creation of the Aboriginal Country Music Association


To the Expositor:

We would like to congratulate Roger Daybutch for starting the Aboriginal Country Music Association and also to those that were the first inductees of Wikwemikong.

What a tribute it will be to the many aboriginal musicians on and off the Island to be recognized for their talents.

On Saturday, March 1 we had the opportunity to enjoy some of this talent at the awards in Wikwemikong.

Thank you to all those who assisted Mr. Daybutch with this evening. It was four hours of great music and stories.

Hopefully, the people of Wikwemikong will band together and see Hardy Peltier’s suggestion of a special place being provided to show case the musicians awards, pictures etc. of all those who have provided entertainment in the past and those of the future.

Thanks again for a great evening.

Ron and Linda Bowerman


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