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Central Manitoulin Council Notes


Public Meeting

After the public meeting for Bylaw 2015-07, with letters received and comments heard, Mayor Stephens stated that council would address the issues, send the request for zoning changes back to committee, review and meet with the building inspector and maybe have another meeting with Mr. Hill. Councillor Derek Stephens made the motion to refer back to committee. He noted that the municipality has a core group of developers and as fast as they can put up buildings for seniors, they keep filling them up. Councillor Alex Baran noted that several “really key” issues had come up including drainage and sidewalks that council should look at and added that he was really impressed with the quality of input at the meeting and that everyone will be advised if there is another meeting.

Property Meeting – April 14, 2015-04-26

Council approved the recommendation from the property committee that the municipality contacts Manitoulin Stewardship Council/Manitoulin Streams to ask advice to deal with the phragmites invasion at Providence Bay beach. Councillor Derek Stephens remarked that the letter should not just say Providence Bay as he felt that this would not be the only place phragmites would be growing. It was noted that council had received a letter from a concerned Providence Bay resident about the matter.

The Property Committee year to date financial report was approved by council.

Finance and Economic Development Committee – April 16, 2015

The year to date financial report for the Finance and Economic Development Committee for the month of March was approved as presented by council.

The cheque register for the month of March 2015 in the amount of $835,048.69 was approved by council as presented.

It was recommended to council and carried that Bylaw 2015-05 being a bylaw to authorize the levy of the final tax be given its three readings and duly passed

The minutes of the March 24, 2015 Manitoulin Planning Board meeting were accepted by council.

It was recommended to council and carried that staff take over the responsibilities for the Mindemoya Tennis Club bank account. Councillor Derek Stephens noted that council does this for other organizations and that it would not be a lot of work for staff.

Office and Administration Committee – April 21, 2015

The clerk will be authorized by council to proceed with the tax registration of the five properties that have been forfeited to the federal government, upon further consultation with the MP Carol Hughes.

Council accepted the recommendation that the 2015 Central Manitoulin Lions Club homecoming weekend to be held on July 3, 4 and 5 be declared a Community Festival.

Council accepted the recommendation that the following students be hired for summer work with the municipality:

Labourer (University) – Liam Campbell

Labourer (High School) – Tyler King

Swim Instructor – Victoria Cranston

Swim Instructor Assistant – Jamey Van Horn

Summer Fun Program Leader – Bobbie McAllister

Summer Fun Program Assistant – William Scott

Museum/Information Booth Attendants (3) Matthew Scott, Carissa Holliday and Shanelle Abbott

Discovery Centre Host (3) – David Scott, Emily Bond and Gillian Giroux

Council accepted the recommendation of the CAO and Road Superintendent to hire Wade Janoki as a part time landfill attendant.

The year to date financial report dated March 31, 2015 was approved by council as presented.


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