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Central Manitoulin Council Notes


Council to receive donations for hatchery program

A motion by Councillor Patricia MacDonald seconded by Councillor Dale Scott has authorized the municipality to accept donations, and issue charitable receipts on behalf of the United Fish and Game Clubs of Manitoulin, for the specific capital project of the Mindemoya Fish Hatchery.

“It will be an ongoing project,” noted Councillor MacDonald, adding that the municipality can only accept donations aimed at the capital costs of the project. She said that Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) support for the project will be contingent on the results of a 2013 MNRF assessment of the fish populations in Lake Mindemoya.

“The assessment has apparently been delayed by an illness in the department,” she supplied, “but by August 1 they expect the results to be available.”

Providence Bay custodial contract deferred to committee

A recommendation from the Office and Administration committee to set the custodial contract for the Providence Bay Hall and the Welcome Centre be set at $19,000 per annum and the Mindemoya custodial contract be set at $27,000 per annum, and that each employee be may be required to work at each others’ buildings on occasion, was deferred to committee on a motion by Councillor Dale Scott and Councillor Derek Stephens.

“There was some concern on the way it was put together,” said Mayor Richard Stephens in making the suggestion that the contracts be referred back to committee for further study.

Angel Bus receives municipal donation

A motion to donate $1,000 annually to the Angel Bus fundraising efforts of the Gore Bay Manitoulin Lodge Auxiliary Inc. for the next two years was moved by Councillor Patricia MacDonald and seconded by Councillor Derek Stephens.

“I have worked in the nursing home structure and I do know that the residents like to get out to do some shopping now and then,” said Councillor Stephens. “I do hope that the other municipalities get on board with this as well.”

“This is not only for the Lodge residents, but also for medically vulnerable residents,” said Councillor MacDonald.

“This is not restricted to Lodge people,” agreed Mayor Richard Stephens.

Financial reports approved

A motion to approve the year to date financial report ending February 28, 2015 for the Office and Administration committee was moved by Councillor Patricia MacDonald and seconded by Councillor Dale Scott.

A second motion to approve the Finance and Development report for the month of February 2015 was moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Alex Baran.

Approval of the cheque register for the month of January 2015 in the amount of $417,405.41 and February 2015 in the amount of $458,731.94 were approved on motions from Councillor Alex Baran and Councillor Ted Taylor.

“These expenditures are given a pretty detailed discussion in committee,” noted Mayor Richard Stephens, cautioning the media present that although there was no, discussion of the reports contents at the council meeting per se, the reports “do not pass us by un-reviewed.”

Tile loan application approved

Approval of an application to council a tile loan submitted by a Mr. Orford was moved by Councillor Dale Scott and seconded by Councillor Derek Stephens.

“There is no municipal dollars going into this,” said Councillor Stephens. “This is simply an in and out arrangement—a flow through.”

Advertisement approved

A motion to purchase a quarter page advertisement in The Manitoulin Expositor for National Volunteer Appreciation Week was moved by Councillor Dale Scott and seconded by Councillor Linda Farquhar.

“I think it is coming April 18 and that the advertisements should be in The Manitoulin Expositor and the Recorder,” said Mayor Richard Stephens.

“There wouldn’t be much going on in our communities without our volunteers,” said Councillor Derek Stephens. “They are the ones who really make things happen.”

Councillor appointed to physician recruitment committee

Councillor Patricia MacDonald was appointed by council to the Manitoulin Health Centre’s Physician Recruitment Committee on a motion made by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Linda Farquhar. Councillor MacDonald had earlier recused herself from this item on the agenda.

“Good luck,” offered Mayor Richard Stephens.

“Thank you for the recommendation to the committee and the support of council,” said Councillor MacDonald following the unanimous vote. “I hope this will prove to be a success for the Island.”

“I think they are still working on the terms of reference for the committee,” said Mayor Stephens. “It is a good time to be in on the ground floor.”º

Accessibility plan approved

Council, through a motion put forward by Councillor Alex Baran and seconded by Councillor Dale Scott, approved a multi-year accessibility plan, updated February 15, 2015.

“I think it is a good plan that does a little bit each year so that it doesn’t put too much pressure on any year,” said Councillor Patricia MacDonald.

“It is an ongoing process,” agreed Councillor Dale Scott.

Design workshop to seek public input on Prov parking lot/landscaped park

A motion authorizing the Providence Bay Community Centre Board to host a design workshop on Saturday, April 11 to gather input from the community with regard to designing a combined use parking lot/landscaped park in the empty lot beside the Providence Bay Community Centre was moved by Councillor Ted Taylor and Councillor Patricia MacDonald.

“Are the Providence Bay committee involved?” asked Mayor Richard Stephens.

“They provided the property,” noted Councillor Taylor.

“This is not a new idea,” said Councillor MacDonald. “This is something they have been working on for the last few years.” Ms. MacDonald pointed out that the committee has been sourcing funding toward the project. “One of the things they are talking about is a new picnic spot,” she said. “Mary Jo Gordon has been working on the design and doing that work for free.”

“Do we normally have a representative on that committee?” asked Councillor Dale Scott.

“I am the representative,” noted Councillor Alex Baran.

“I know we allotted money for this,” said Councillor Derek Stephens. “I hope the committee takes that into consideration.”

“The first step is design,” said Mayor Stephens.

“This will be as much of a volunteer project as possible,” noted Councillor Baran.

Appointment to Providence Bay Community Centre Board

Council appointed Jeff Wilson to the Providence Bay Community Centre Board through a motion made by Councillor Dale Scott and seconded by Councillor Alex Baran.

“(It is) always good to see someone new added to the list,” said Mayor Stephens in commending the volunteer’s application.

May 4 to 10 declared Emergency Preparedness Week

A motion by Councillor Ted Taylor and seconded by Councillor Dale Scott was passed by council proclaiming May 4 to 10 as Emergency Preparedness Week in the Municipality of Central Manitoulin.

“I presume this is an issue that has been going on for a while?” asked Mayor Richard Stephens.

“It was there last year,” supplied Central Manitoulin Treasurer Denise Deforge, sitting in for CAO Ruth Frawley as staff support for the council meeting.

“It is good to review emergency preparedness,” said Councillor Taylor. “There are a lot of services in the community.”

“A notice will go out with the next tax bill to let people know,” said Councillor Linda Farquhar.

“Is the municipality looking at doing something?” asked Councillor MacDonald. “If we are encouraging people to take part, we should have something.

“There is usually a display in the foyer (of the municipal offices),” said Councillor Baran.

“There should be something to drive people to this,” suggested Mayor Stephens.


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