Home News Headline Central council allows for amendment to alcohol policy

Central council allows for amendment to alcohol policy


MINDEMOYA—Central Manitoulin council has voted by majority to make an amendment in its municipal alcohol policy to allow for providing the same amount of space for the annual Ride Manitoulin motorcycle rally held in Providence Bay.

“As chair of the finance and administration committee I would like to make a motion that the addendum to the alcohol policy under section No. 1 be approved with the changes as discussed in committee,” stated Central Manitoulin Councillor Patricia MacDonald at a meeting last week.

“We had a request from the Providence Bay/Spring Bay Lions Club for the same consideration as last year. If you look at last year they had a space of 3,600 square metres for the Ride Manitoulin event,” said Councillor Derek Stephens. “There is an awful big difference in the 3,600 square feet being asked for and the proposed 540 square feet (in the alcohol policy). They had requested this space so that food vendors would be included in the same area (as the area outside alcohol is served). This would all be fenced off, and the 540 metres is the area provided for beer gardens in town, but it isn’t enough space.”

The amount of space discussed (at the committee level) was not a very large space,” acknowledged Ms. MacDonald. “One of our concerns is municipal liability. I’m thinking with a more confined space it could create more problems. I’d like us to look more into the security provided at the event.”

Councillor Adam McDonald explained that the committee’s effort to have the addendum in the policy is to have it in place for this summer. However, “this addendum is not the end of the discussion on the alcohol policy because it doesn’t take in all the issues that have to be looked at. We were simply looking at square footage at this point.”

Mayor Gerry Strong questioned how much of the space provided for the event last year was actually used.

“The area was partitioned off with the food and vendors all in the same area,” said Mr. Stephens. He explained that at a recent Manitoulin Police Advisory Committee (CPAC) meeting, a discussion arose on security around licenced events. “Kevin Webb, OPP staff sergeant, said they have no problem with the security provided at the rally in Providence Bay, but this year he said they will be setting up a cruiser on for all events in Providence Bay. We have good security set in place for the rally event, and there were no calls for OPP assistance last year (during the event).”

Mr. Strong stressed, “The issue is liability.” He said the beer garden should be separate from the vendors, “so if people bring their kids, they don’t have to deal with alcohol around them.”

A recorded vote was taken on the motion for the Ride Manitoulin event to be within 540 metres, with Councillors MacDonald, Stephens, Bev Pearson-Cannard, Ted Taylor and Mayor Gerry Strong voting against it and Councillors McDonald and Gloria Haner voting in favour. The motion was defeated.

“Can we not just make an exception for Providence Bay for this event?” asked Mr. Taylor.

“This is six times more space than would be allowed (for any other outdoor area licenced event in the municipality),” said Mr. McDonald.

“You all know how I feel on this issue,” said Mr. Stephens. “I spent about 20 hours a day last year at the Ride Manitoulin event, and there was no problem with security that I saw. The event was run smoothly with the security that was in place. I would put forward a motion to allow an addendum to the policy to allow for the extra space for the Providence Bay arena-grounds (a 36-inch high fenced off area of up to 3,600 square metres of space) and 540 square metres for all other licenced area events (in the municipality.)”

Clerk Ruth Frawley cautioned council that if this is provided for the Lions Club and Ride Manitoulin they may have other similar requests from other groups.

[pullquote]“Providence Bay is a different entity because there is so much space at the fairgrounds,” said Mr. Stephens. “Events in Providence Bay are different than Mindemoya because there is the land and area to hold larger events,” noting the addendum would be for all events at the Providence Bay fairgrounds being given up to 3,600 square metres.[/pullquote]

This would mean that licenced events in Mindemoya and other areas of the municipality would have to use the smaller area (540 metres) for licenced events, said Ms. MacDonald.

If the municipality allows for the request that has been made for more property being used for the alcohol area, every person holding an event is going to request the same, council was told.

“I want to point out, in consideration of the policy, that the municipality can change the area provided at a designated site (if groups request more space),” said Ms. MacDonald.

“My motion is that the Providence Bay fair arena/grounds can have up to 3,600 square metres,” said Mr. Stephens.

“I’ll second the motion,” said Ms. McDonald, while Ms. Haner asked for a recorded vote to take place.

The recorded vote saw Councillors McDonald, Taylor, Stephens, Cannard-Pearson voting yes, and Councillors McDonald, Haner and Mayor Strong voting in opposition. The motion was passed.



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