Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Candy thieves strike Manitowaning Minor Hockey players

Candy thieves strike Manitowaning Minor Hockey players


3 am candy eating binge cost four hours of ice time for 65 kids

Dear thieves who stole from Manitowaning Minor Hockey:

To the thieves who felt it necessary to steal $300 in cash and candy from us at our annual fundraiser at Summerfest early Sunday morning, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. The cash, candy, pop and chips you took from us was to fundraise so our hockey players, aged 3 to 17, could participate in a weekend learning session at the beginning of our hockey season.

That profit was going to pay for four hours of ice time for our kids. I am sure that you binging on our candy at 3 am was much more important than our 65 kids improving their skating for their upcoming hockey season.

Thank you for reminding us that even though we planned and worked from Thursday to Sunday night, even the best laid plans don’t always work out.

Thank you for reminding us to appreciate that Manitowaning is mostly comprised of great people, super hockey parents and awesome Lions Club members.

I hope you remember how delicious our candy was, we most certainly will not forget you.


Manitowaning Minor Hockey Executive


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