Home News Local C. C. McLean wins Island elementary school flag football championship

C. C. McLean wins Island elementary school flag football championship

Island champs! The Charles C. McLean Public School team won the A division of the Island elementary school flag football championships last week. In photo, standing left to right, are Damien Merrylees, Abby Witty, Jonathan Deremo and coach Dan Smith; sitting left to right are Anthony Dearing, Jordan Bailey, Trent Bell and Nate Merrylees-Cooper.

MANITOULIN—It was by the narrowest of margins but the Charles C. McLean (C.C. McLean) Public School team won the A division championship at the annual Island elementary school flag football championship!

C.C. McLean won the A division championship with a record of three wins and one tie. There was actually a two-way tie for first place with Little Current, who also had the same record. However, the first place tie was broken by C.C. McLean having a plus 69 point differential over LCPS’s plus 36.

Coach of the C.C. McLean team was Dan Smith, with the players including Anthony Dearing, Jordan Bailey, Trent Bell, Nate Merrylees-Cooper, Damien Merrylees, Abby Witty and Jonathan Deremo.

The B division championship was won by Central Manitoulin Public School (Mindemoya).


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