Home Columns C.C.McLean P.S. Colts going Strong!

C.C.McLean P.S. Colts going Strong!


by Rachael Orford

I think you can officially say that spring is here. There is water and mud in the playground and the snow piles have finally disappeared!

Joke of the week: Why are trees very forgiving? Because in the Fall they “let it go” and in the Spring they “turn over a new leaf.”

Students have a Professional Development Day (P.D. Day) today, April 28.

For the last two weeks students have tried out for the junior and intermediate soccer teams. Practices will continue until the Island soccer tournament on May 11.

On April 20, Mrs. Jefkins’ Grade 4/5 class held a World War 1 (WW1) museum in the library. There were a total of 20 artifacts. There were paintings, clothing, bullets, documents, maps, and objects that would have been used during the war. Each student was given an artifact that they learned about and reported their findings to other students and visitors. Some of the artifacts were reproductions of the original, but some were directly from WW1. You were not able to try on the helmets and hats, but you could try on the coats, scarfs, etc. This is the second year this museum has been held. I hope to see this factual museum back again next year!

The school has a spring concert choir this year. It is made up of students from all grades. The choir is directed by Mrs. Runnalls. They will be performing, not only at the school’s spring concert, but also at the Manitoulin Community Choir event in Kagawong at the Park Centre on April 29 at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Next week, if you have the chance, please pop down to the school on Thursday, May 4 at 6:30 pm for the school’s spring concert. The theme is Canada’s 150th birthday. The concert will include each class singing a song or two. Songs will be either in the English, French, or Ojibwe language.

Why is slippery ice like music? If you don’t C sharp, you’ll B flat.

Upcoming events include the spring concert, swim to survive for Grades 4 and 5 and pizza day.

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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