Home Columns C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going strong!

C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going strong!


by Rachael Orford

Today is national best friends day! Make sure you spend some time with your friends today!

On Tuesday, May 28 and Thursday, May 31, the Grade 6/7 and 8 student had their last two yoga sessions with Pam Wiwchar. Thank you, Pam, for helping us learn yoga!

Grade 8 students have been very busy with the Reciprocity project! On Wednesday, May 30, the students learned how to play cribbage from Susan Arbour. The students really enjoyed learning how to play and have been seen playing a game or two lately. Thank you for teaching the students, Susan! 

On Friday, June 1 the students were ready to be the teachers. The students held an information session on Apps which was entitled, “Apps all Around.” The students taught the participants how to download and update apps, text, FaceTime, and how to use Pinterest and YouTube.

On Friday, June 1, the Grade 4s travelled to the Espanola pool for their final session of Swim to Survive. To celebrate the accomplishment, the students stopped for ice cream!

Also on Friday, June 1, there was a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) presentation for Grades 7 and 8. During the presentation, students heard four different stories involving impaired driving. The first story was a fictional story about teenage kids, that were impaired, driving home after a party. The next three stories were true and focused on the testimonies from the family members of the affected victims. During the testimonies, the pain that they are still experiencing today and the aftermath of each accident was shared.

On Monday, June 4, students participated in a Student Vote that was held in Mr. Scott’s classroom. The student vote coincides with government elections. Students learned about government and the electoral process, researched the parties and platforms, discussed relevant issues and casted ballots for the official election candidates. The results of the student vote will be compared to the election results.

On Tuesday, June 5, a few students from Grades 7 and 8 travelled to Sudbury for the Rainbow District School Board (RDSB) track and field meet. Results from the meet will be included in next week’s column.

On Wednesday, June 6, Junior and Intermediate track and field occurred. Students in Grades 4 to 8 had the opportunity to participate in both field and track events. There were a total of 10 events that the students could have participated in. Results will be in next week’s column. Students that placed first or second in the various events will be participating in Island Track and Field next week on Thursday, June 14 and Friday, June 15. Great job to everyone and good luck, Colts!

EQAO is officially over for Grade 3 and 6 students. I thought we would celebrate with a joke! Or maybe it is a fact. A recent scientific study showed that out of 2,293,367 people, 94 percent are too lazy to actually read that number. Now, how did you read that number?

The Entrepreneur Fair in Sudbury was held on Wednesday, June 6. A few businesses from C.C. McLean attended.

Joke of the week: Did you hear about the hyena that swallowed an Oxo cube? He made a laughing stock of himself.

Upcoming events include Island Track and Field, P.D. Day, Primary Track and Field, and the Grade 8 graduation.

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!” 


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