Home Columns C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going strong!

C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going strong!


by Rachael Orford

Today is the first Friday of March! It is also a PD Day!

Another short week this week! Last week there was family day and a snow day leading to a three day week. This week was a four-day week with a PD Day. Next week is a rare five-day week and then it is March break. March break is from March 12-16.

Hopefully everyone returned the information and improvement slips on the bottom of the report card. If not, here is a joke to remind you.

Why was the student’s report card wet! It was below C level!

On February 12, the Grade 1 class celebrated the 100th day of school with a little party. At the 100th day of school party there were snacks and activities for the students to enjoy.

On February 15, the Island Chess tournament took place. C.C. McLean’s chess team included eight students, four in the junior division and four in the intermediate division. Each student won at least one game they played and three students qualified for the semi-finals.

On Wednesday, February 21, some Grade 7 and 8 students travelled to Searchmont Ski Resort in Sault Ste. Marie. For two days, students skied, bowled and went to the mall. Everyone had a great time and returned home safely late on Friday night.

On Friday, February 23, students from Grades 5 through 8 were supposed to go snowshoeing at MacLean’s park in Manitowaning, but because of the rain in the morning, the trip was cancelled.

On Wednesday, February 28, the ELKs and Grade 8s went skating at the arena.

Next Tuesday, March 6 the Island basketball tournament will take place. Both the girls’ and boys’ teams have been practicing for the last few weeks. The girls’ and boys’ team will travel to Little Current Public School (LCPS) and Lakeview Public School, respectively. Go Colts!

Friday, March 9 is Winter Fun Day! Students from all grades will be divided into 12 teams with one or more grade eight leaders. Each team will represent a country and carry a flag to each event. At each event, two countries will face each other to gain a win. Some events will be inside and some will be outside.

At the end of the day, a cheer-off will be held. Every country comes up with an original cheer to show the other teams. The winning cheer will be chosen, then the points will be tallied up to crown the winning team. Second and third place teams will also be mentioned in the final results.

A rumor has been travelling around C.C. McLean… As everyone knows, school is a place of learning. A science experiment took place involving a tooth, a string and a door. The string was attached to the tooth and the door. You know the rest. There was a 100 percent success rate. No one was hurt during the experiment, including the door or string. But the tooth is now having separation anxiety.

Joke of the week: Why couldn’t the pony sing? Because she was a little hoarse.

Upcoming events include, Island basketball tournament, Winter Fun Day and March Break!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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