Home Columns C.C. McLean P.S. Colts Going Strong!

C.C. McLean P.S. Colts Going Strong!


by Rachael Orford

Did all mothers get your extra cup of coffee last Sunday? Oh, I see the ones who didn’t get coffee got supper cooked for them! I hope all the mothers out there got something special on Mother’s Day!

Last week the ELK and grade SK/1 classes went to Lakeview School to watch The Little Mermaid, and they had a swimmingly good time.

Soccer season is officially over for this school year. You might expect the odd injury at a soccer tournament, but fortunately there were more students that came back with sun burns than injuries. Which I think is good.

Last Thursday, May 11, the Island Soccer tournament took place. The Junior teams went to Wikwemikong. The Junior A team came in second in their division, and the Junior B team came in third. The Intermediate teams went to Central Manitoulin Public School in Mindemoya. The Intermediate A team played two games and lost the first, and tied the second. The Intermediate B team came home with the trophy! They played five games and won four of the five. Thank you to the host schools, and the coaches!

Today, May 19, is Wacky Hair Day! I hope you took some pictures of your kids before they left for school. Time flies and you will have a good laugh when you look back at these in a few years!

Both the students and teachers are looking forward to the long weekend. But right after the holidays on Tuesday, May 23, the EQAO testing begins! The Grade 3s and 6s take the test. There is a math section and a language section. The tests run from May 23 to June 5. Good  luck to all students!

Joke of the week: A guy walked into a barber shop and asked, “I would like a hair cut please.” The barber replied, “Certainly, which piece of hair would you like cut?”

WARNING! If you plan on going outside a lot over the long weekend, please wear sunscreen! No one needs a sun burn. Have a happy and safe long weekend!

Upcoming events include Swim to Survive for Grades 4 and 5, and the dental nurses.

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve.”


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