Home News Local Billings approves additional work required at marina breakwall

Billings approves additional work required at marina breakwall

In photo is an overhead view of the work being carried out on the breakwall at the Small Craft Harbour Basin, in Kagawong. Work is continuing this week in the area of water-shoreline behind the Old Mill Heritage Centre Museum.

KAGAWONG – Due to high water levels, more work is required to be carried out on the small craft basin area of the Aus Hunt Marina located in the vicinity of the Old Mill in Kagawong.

“It’s another situation that when the waterfront master plan was done in 2015, there were nowhere near the water levels we have now,” said Billings economic development officer Todd Gordon during a Billings council meeting last week. “The breakwall on the small craft basin suffered damage due to the high water levels. A similar occurrence has taken place at the southwest point of the basin around the Old Mill; we need to stabilize the area and protect it from erosion as well, and we have the equipment and capacity already on site to do it.”

Mr. Gordon made a recommendation to council to accept a quote from Build North in the amount of $66,736.50, plus HST to provide and install additional shoreline stabilization and protection in the vicinity of the Old Mill.” 

Mr. Gordon had explained in a report to council, “the water level in Lake Huron is at or near the historical extremes and this is effecting shorelines in many places including on the Kagawong waterfront. We have already had to expend additional funds on breakwall rehabilitation as a result of this reality. To preserve the integrity of the small craft basin/Old Mill area the shoreline needs to be stabilized and protected. The locational scope is, generally, from the southwest point of the basin entrance around in front of the Old Mill building and terminating at the beach area at a point essentially due west of the current entrance to the museum and heritage center. Conducting this work now will address the risk of further deterioration and take advantage of construction capacity already on site.”

“Our EDO has explained this situation very well,” said Councillor Sharon Jackson. “Repairs are needed now. I have heard some of the artifacts (on the water side of the building) have already shifted, so this work needs to be done and timing is of the essence.” 

Councillor Michael Hunt noted “we’re having erosion all the way around the shoreline including at the Old Mill and we need to contain it and make repairs.” 

Council passed a motion in support of Mr. Gordon’s recommendation. 

The work will entail the installation of coarse blast rock and, where appropriate, armour stone, very much like the outer breakwall, said Mr. Gordon. Again where appropriate, the coarse material will be topped with finer material suitable as a walking surface. The work will require the temporary removal of the Mariner’s Park artifacts (boilers etc.) and the propane tanks. The work will be covered under the existing in-water work permits and appropriate mitigation methods will be employed.


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