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Bill and Peg Clark receive standing ovation for 30 years of organizing popular curffle event

Scott and Karen McDougall were the first event champions at the 30th annual Curffle event held at the Gore Bay Curling Club, last weekend. In photo, left to right, is Peg Clark, Scott and Karen McDougall and Bill Clark.

GORE BAY—It was with a final standing ovation of appreciation from the 96 participants (48 teams) in the curffle event that Bill and Peg Clark were received at the closing ceremonies this past Sunday. The couple have now retired after 30 years as the main organizers of this highly popular event, held at the Gore Bay Curling Club.

“We would like to thank Bill and Peg for the past 30 years, having run this event every year for the past 30 years,” Sandie Merrylees told everyone in attendance at the final award ceremony presentations, held after the weekend long curffle games this past Sunday evening.

Ms. Merrylees explained, “the income that curffle brings in every year significantly benefits the curling club and we appreciate all the time and effort that both of you have provided,” she said, noting that Arthur Pummell had made a beautiful table and chairs set for the Clarks to enjoy in their retirement.

“When you look at the craftsmanship (of the table and chairs) no one could have done a better job,” said Mrs. Clark.

Mr. Clark had begun the awards ceremony with a time-honoured tradition. He encouraged everyone to, “turn to your left, then turn to your right and shake the hand of the people you have curffled with this weekend. Now, does everyone have a drink in their hand; as we have a sad subject we have to bring up here again this year. He noted, “we lost two good curfflers over the past year, Phyllis Smith and Brian Hester. We wish you could have been here forever,” he said as he encouraged everyone to hold up their drink glass in their memory.

“We would like to thank the curling rink for letting us put on this event for the past 30 years,” said Mr. Clark. He also praised the work of those who looked after the ice and the kitchen staff over the weekend. “We want to thank all of you.” He explained the couple are going to be turning the reins over to their daughter Holly and son Hye to organize curffle next year.

“We love all of you,” said Mr. Clark. “When we started this game we did it as a way to help make money for the curling club and we hope this event will go on and on.”
Mrs. Clark said, “I looked out today on all our curffle friends and family and thought of E.F. Priddle, Bill’s grandfather and my grandfather, Charlie Wright. They both made a mark on curling and I just hope we done the same for curffle.”

Both Hye and Holly thanked everyone for taking part in the weekend event and paid tribute to their parents. “They are amazing,” stated Holly.

“We have a real challenge taking over from you two,” said Hye.

“Thank you Bill and Peg and thank you Hye and Holly,” said Ms. Merrylees.

Then came the awards ceremony for the winners in each event. In the first event the Scott and Karen McDougall team won the championship, defeating the runners-up in this event, Jeff Riching and Marc Addison.

The second event saw Richard Noble and Drew Purvis taking the final over Sandy Lawrence and Erin Montgomery. In the third event, Braydon Newton and Shelden Campbell defeated the team of Lew Lanktree and Richard Whynott in the final.


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