Home News Local Barrie Island writer pens science fiction/ mystery micro-novel

Barrie Island writer pens science fiction/ mystery micro-novel

‘The Lightfield Files-Jack Trinity and Secreat of the Broken Mind’ by Donald Harry Roberts.

BARRIE ISLAND—A Barrie Island writer has had his newest micro-novel published (the first book he has  not self-published), the science fiction/mystery ‘The Lightfield Files-Jack Trinity and Secret of the Broken Mind,’ which is available on Amazon.

“Lightfield is a holographic city which includes a prison for the criminally insane,” Donald Harry Roberts told the Recorder. “This story is Jack Trinity and Secret of the Broken Mind. When someone is convicted of a crime in the future, all criminals, including those who steal, to committing murder, are considered to have been committed by someone who is insane.”

“In the near future, the Lightfield Institution inmates are offered a chance at redemption and rehabilitation. In this near future world, all criminal activity is considered a state of insanity, especially violent crimes,” explained Mr. Roberts.

“And they have to go for rehabilitation in the city, and to do this they have to be a victim or helping a victim. You become who your victim is for rehab,” said Mr. Roberts.

“I am known for writing micro-novels,” said Mr. Roberts. “All of my books read like a novel,” he said noting that science fiction/mystery a holographic sweep. “I am one of the few writers that crosses over from one to the other; it is not unique but not common either.”

This new release is 74 pages in length, said Mr. Roberts. “My story is 30 pages long set at the front of the book, with the rest of the book being advertising for other authors. This is something I agreed to with the publishers. I like to promote other authors as much as I can, and help them sell their books as well.”

Mr. Roberts explained his new micro-novel,  “is a story that I wrote in one sitting. The story is 5,000 words long. When I write, I write the whole story all at once. This way I don’t lose momentum.”

“My micro novels have the features of a regular novel, with a sub plot, story and ending and can be read in an hour. I try to write for people that like to read but don’t have the time or want to read 200 page novels,” continued Mr. Roberts.

“At the present time I have four stories written, this first one that has been published  and three more that are ready to be printed. These three stories will be published within the next year,” said Mr. Roberts, who makes the cover designs for his books.

“No, the other stories are not about the same type of subject. They are all different stories; and I do add a bit of humour to my stories,” said Mr. Roberts.

The Lightfield Files has been printed through Amazon. “And they print books on demand, and there is some pre-sales. So if everything goes well then they publish and put the book into book stores,” said Mr. Roberts. To order a copy of this book you can order online by clicking on Amazon Donald Harry Roberts. The cost of the book is $6.95 plus shipping and handling.

Once upon a time, Mr. Roberts was a musician who enjoyed elegantly sufficient success before arthritis took his hands and stopped him from playing any of his 13 instruments. This provided space for the re-invention. He became a storyteller with aspirations of being a novelist. However, he then discovered that he enjoyed developing himself as a micro novelist and has since been publishing his work

through Smashwords (smashwords.com/books/view/669969), Booksie.com and The Gutenberg Project, once again, with elegant success.

His story, ‘The Uncanny Twisted Horrlaughic Adventures of Mr. Rollin, Alawishez Latimer Carswell Boylell was featured in volume two of the literary journal ‘The Ronin Express,’ which is currently available through Amazon.com.


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