Home News Local Assiginack votes 2014

Assiginack votes 2014


Bob Case

Assiginack’s Bob Case is looking for a third term on council, representing the rural constituents of his community, and the municipality as a whole.

“I want to help the township and I think I can do that little bit to do just that,” he told The Expositor.

While it took about a year on council to really get the full grasp of the running of a municipality, Mr. Case says he has a good understanding of what it takes to make Assiginack run, and run efficiently.

He pointed to council’s hard work, in this term and in the years previous, in lobbying both levels of government to see the infamous Cardwell Street, which is Wikwemikong First Nation’s one and only connecting link to Manitowaning and the rest of Manitoulin, resurfaced. This summer saw that dream become a reality with Cardwell Street’s complete overhaul and Mr. Case is proud to say he was a part of that.

He is also glad to have been a part of the purchase of a new library building for what is arguably Assiginack’s most popular, and well-used, public building. The library will move this spring into its new home at the former Wally Harasym Insurance and Accounting office in the centre of Manitowaning’s downtown core.

The incumbent councillor represents council on the cemetery board, the Assiginack Museum board and the Manitoulin East Airport Commission.

If elected, this term he said he will lobby for the repaving of Manitowaning’s main downtown core. He will also push for more work upgrading and hard topping on the municipality’s country roads, a concern he said he often hears from his constituents.

Mr. Case called roads his ‘main concern.’

When asked about the Burns Wharf Theatre and its plight, Mr. Case responded, “Burns Wharf Theatre I love, but we just don’t have a quarter of a million dollars to do it. But we will keep looking for the money. It’s not a top priority, but it’s definitely on the list.”

Mr. Case had nothing but praise for events coordinator Jackie White, another new addition to the municipality, who fills a position created over the last term and who is keeping the community busy with a full events list.

“She is doing great things for us and bringing people to the community,” he said.


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