Home News Local APS shatters Terry Fox fundraising goal

APS shatters Terry Fox fundraising goal

Joanne Peltier’s Grade 4/5 class at Assiginack Public School proudly hold up their banner while celebrating their amazing fundraising efforts on behalf of the annual Terry Fox walk/run around the school. photo by Warren Schlote

MANITOWANING – Joanne Peltier’s Grade 4/5 class at Assiginack Public School sure knows how to host a rally and they proved that with their recent Terry Fox walk/run around the school grounds in early October.

“The kids organized the kickoff assembly, including the morning announcements. They did it all,” said Ms. Peltier.

It was a strong show of teamwork that brought the event together so smoothly. When asked what their favourite parts of the process were, the students’ answers ranged from taking part in planning meetings to a dream shared by many children—getting out of math. On the other hand, there was a certain amount of math involved when the students set forth their goals to their fellow schoolmates.

“Our goal was to raise $1,100,” said student Jayda Otosquaiob, who explained that their target was based on the student population of roughly 110, meaning each student was asked to bring in an average of $10 to reach the goal.

There was a lot at stake for reaching that goal, too.

“If we make it, the whole school gets to have a PJ and movie party,” said Maddy Mende, another student in the class. Even more spectacular was the honour for the 10 top fundraisers who would receive VIP seating at the movie and also be treated to an ice cream sundae bar.

As the students got ready for the opening assembly, the question of how many laps they thought they could handle turned into a display of one-upmanship, with numbers quickly climbing to 12, 13, 14 after a classmate said they would do one better than the next person.

The school met in the gym and divided up into their respective colour houses. Two colour houses stayed behind to add some artistic flair to a banner while the others began their journey. 

The sun had come out and was working in earnest to blast away the chills of the day as the students and teachers took laps around the perimeter of the property. Every 10 minutes, the students working on the banner would switch places with a group of marchers until both tasks had been completed. 

Everyone gathered on the rear grass of the school to hear the results they had been waiting for so patiently—had the school raised enough money to earn them a pyjama and movie day?

Ms. Peltier asked a student to remind the group of their goal, $1,100, before making the big announcement. APS had raised $1,817.25 by the time of the event, and an extra donation or two rolled in later that afternoon as well.

A hearty cheer went up to celebrate their accomplishment and then all the staff and students posed for photos.

Assiginack Public School students apply artistic flair to their Terry Fox Run school banner. photo by Warren Schlote

The two highest fundraisers each brought in close to $150, proving their commitments to school spirit, a day of celebration and helping others in need. 

The entire day was a testament to hard work under limited conditions; the Grade 4/5 class had only been organizing the Terry Fox walk/run for two weeks and students only had one week to collect their pledges. Students in the organizing class said they got a lot out of the experience.

“(I liked) getting the whole school together and getting to run around the school,” said Darius Cacciotti. “It makes me feel happy and makes me feel like Terry.”

“It was really fun, I hope we get to do it next year,” said Maddy.


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