Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Appreciation expressed for recent Water Walker story

Appreciation expressed for recent Water Walker story


“We should be stewards of the land and protect it today and for future generations.”

To the Expositor:

Thank you for your recent story about the Wikwemikong Water Walkers! What a timely and thoughtful story. It will hopefully remind us all that we need to protect our water resources. As these brave people embark on their journey, we can all play a part and put a conscious effort towards protection of our water, a most precious resource.

This can be done by not burning “potentially toxic or noxious materials” that will eventually leach into our air, soil and water table and compromise the safety of our food and water.

We should be stewards of the land and protect it today and for future generations!

Safe journey to the Water Walkers!

Claudio Rocca

Green Bay and Sudbury


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