Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Aboriginals need to create alliances with other communities

Aboriginals need to create alliances with other communities


Rights being slowly abolished by the federal government

To the Expositor:

Aboriginal rights are being slowly abolished by the federal government and aboriginals need to create an alliance with other communities in this province or country and to take the federal government to court on charges of contempt because they are in violation with our charter or rights as aboriginals. It’s because of all the manipulation the government is doing with our rights and looking for ways to cut back on our funding, especially in the health care sector. This is essential for our communities because a lot of people rely on this service, especially with the transportation service they provide for a lot of people who do not have a car. So it’s important to have this service and when this treaty was signed there were a lot of promises made to the people. Now they’re just manipulating this treaty and that’s wrong. The leadership should bring out the original constitution for our treaty right and be brought forward. It would prove that the federal government has been manipulating our constitutional rights. They’re just doing this for their own financial gain. We all know that the resources they’re selling on a global market are making millions of dollars. This is our land, our resources they’re selling. They have to put more money into health care. The bigger the community, the more money they will have to put in. This is our right to have proper health care because when the treaty was signed it was more like a contract. It’s more like a breach of contract now with the federal government, and if the government does not want to cooperate, then take them to court.

Ron Osawabine



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