Home News Local A little rain couldn’t dampen Summer Fest spirits

A little rain couldn’t dampen Summer Fest spirits

A growing crowd, on land and water, showed up for the outdoor screening of the 1975 classic ‘Jaws,’ which had to be postponed due to inclement weather. photos by Lori Thompson

KAGAWONG––The inflatable screen was set up at the municipal office beside Kagawong’s main beach. People brought chairs and blankets, paddle boats and inflatable life rafts, all gathering to watch the waterside screening of the original 1975 version of ‘Jaws.’ Unfortunately, this launch to Kagawong’s 2018 Summerfest did not happen. The only show was the storm rolling in. Friday night’s movie was rescheduled for Sunday due to lightning; however, rain washed out movie night again on Sunday. In between movie attempts, however, Summerfest was jam-packed with fun activities, good food and happy visitors.

From 10 am until 3 pm last Saturday, there were demonstrations in spinning, wooden toy making, quilting, lace making, seat caning, and more. A games area for the kids was well staffed with volunteers to help out. A very lively game of musical chairs was hosted by the Mad Hatter; an even livelier game was played by members of the Recreation Committee. Several vendors set up shop in the pavilion and members of the museum board manned the barbecue. Music played throughout the day.

Deputy Fire Chief Randy Peters and volunteer firefighter Sean Patterson demonstrated what firefighters go through from the time of a call; driving down to the pavilion area with green light flashing, then suiting up with assistance from other firefighters. They always pair up when putting on their gear, the audience was told. This ensures that the gear is ‘shingled’ to prevent embers from falling inside their gear or into their pockets, and that everything fits and is working properly. The fully suited-up firefighters walked across the road to pick up some ice cream sundaes from the Recreation Committee’s Soda Shoppe before walking another hundred feet or so to the fire truck where other members of the fire department offered equipment demonstrations.

Flathead Ford set up at the Aus Hunt Marina on Saturday night. Lawn chairs lined on the pier and the grass around the marina. People stood in the parking lot or sat on steps across the road to listen. The more adventurous had a good time dancing to the lively music from the 50s, 60s and 70s.

Summerfest wound up Sunday morning following the annual marine service. Officiant The Reverend George Gaiser arrived at the marina in a small aluminum fishing boat for the annual ‘blessing of the boats.’ Following the blessing, with Doug Alkenbrack on guitar, Mary Buie led the singing of an amended version of ‘He’s Got the Whole World.’ Everyone proceeded inside St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church for the remainder of the service. “I love this church,” one attendee remarked. “Coming here is like receiving a big warm hug.”

Billings Councillor Barbara Erskine and Recreation Committee member Charlene Chambers both expressed satisfaction with this year’s event and the turnout.


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