Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor A letter of thanks to an unknown good Samaritan

A letter of thanks to an unknown good Samaritan


To the Expositor:

Our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter live in Rockville. As we usually do on the first weekend of December, we came up to visit and go to the Journey to Bethlehem.

Getting ready for Christmas, I also usually stop on the side of the road somewhere to gather some boughs to take back for our outdoor Christmas containers. Saturday morning I went down Gibraltar Road, pulled over to the side of the road, and set my keys on the console. From that I’m sure you can guess where this story’s going. When I shut the door, I heard that dreaded little “honk” that means the doors are locked.

I thought maybe I could start walking but couldn’t decide which way would get me closer to a house with a phone, and I know there aren’t many houses on that road. Then I remembered I had my cell phone in my pocket, but no such luck—I heard that dreaded little “beep, beep” indicating there’s no cell service in the area. So back to thoughts of walking, when I saw some headlights coming down the road.

This very kind gentleman stopped, and I explained my predicament. He was on his way to the gym in M’Chigeeng, but without hesitation he offered to drive me to Rockville to get spare keys, even though it was out of his way. Not only that, when we got there he offered to drive me back to my vehicle.

He told me a little bit about himself—he’s been on Manitoulin for 17 years, retired from Inco, lives at Silver Bay and his wife volunteers at Journey to Bethlehem, but I forgot to ask him his name. If I had, I’d send him a thank you card.

So, if you have space in your letters to the editor, could you publish this big thank you to him?

Phyllis Gray


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