Home News Local 21st Annual Heritage Alive show livens up Centennial Museum

21st Annual Heritage Alive show livens up Centennial Museum

Curator’s Choice award winner ‘Grace Lake’ by Paulette Steward at the 21st Annual Heritage Alive art show.

SHEGUIANDAH—The 21st annual Heritage Alive Art Show and Sale is in full swing at the Centennial Museum of Sheguiandah as the heritage-themed art show that began with a reception on July 30 runs until August 29.

The show, which is limited to two submissions of artwork from each artist, can be viewed each day from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Most of the artwork is for sale and with a Manitoulin heritage theme, it provides art lovers with a unique opportunity to secure a little piece of heaven for their walls.

“This is a really great show,” said museum curator Heidi Burnett. “We really look forward to showcasing all of these outstanding artists each year.”

The awards announced for the show included, Best in Show, Susan Lampinen for Ten Mile Point View; Heritage Award, April Martin for Manitoulin Barn B.; Best First Time Exhibitor, Judith Kenigson; Curator’s choice, Paulette Stewart for Grace Lake; Student’s Choice, Beth Bouffard for Bagel Breaksfast Al Fresco; First Place Youth, Quintin McGregor for Snow Shadow Express; First Place Acrylic, Peter Bering for Gulls Feeding; First Place Oil, Patti Johnston for Weather Worn; second place Oil Patti Johnston for I’ll Have Orchids; First Place Photography, Dougal Bichan for Sunset on Bass Lake; First Place Mixed Media, April Martin for Manitoulin Barn A.; second place Mixed Media, Pauline Tofflemire for Sunflower 2; first place Pastel, Susan Lampinen for Ten Mile Point View; second place pastel Beth Bouffard for Bagel Breakfast Al Fresco; first place Pencil, Paulette Soganich for Mr. Finch’s Barn; first place Watercolour, Pauline Tofflemire for Winter’s and second place Watercolour, Michelle McAnsh-Gervais.


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