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Writer urges support letters to MPs for Tory backbencher’s bill

Politicians pay close attention to the media, especially local media

To the Expositor:

Last month Michael Chong, a backbench Conservative MP, introduced a bill that those who know politics say could change Canadian politics forever. This bill could be the first step towards ending the iron-fisted control that past, present and future prime ministers and party leaders can exert over our MPs. It could create an atmosphere where civil and constructive debate could be heard where all points of view could be heard.

As of last week over 10,000 people have joined in sending letters to their local MPs. Members of Parliament across the political spectrum have responded by cautiously stepping up to express their support for the bill. These include NDP Democratic Reform critic Craig Scott, Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau, Green Party leader Elizabeth May, and many members of the Conservative caucus.

The bill has had blanket coverage on TV, print and radio, and now our MPs are watching closely to see how their constituents will respond as they make up their minds whether to support this bill or not.

The future of democracy is what this Conservative member’s bill is all about. So together, we can show our MPs that Canadians overwhelmingly want to see real democratic reforms, and a change in how the House of Commons operates. This is not a new way of conducting parliament. The House of Commons in Great Britain and other Commonwealth countries operate in accordance with what this bill proposes. As we are well aware politicians pay close attention to the media, especially local media, and if enough of us write letters to our MP and to the leaders of all the political parties we, the people, might have a chance in changing how we are governed.

Jim McKean, Gore Bay


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff