Home News Local Wikwemikong Tribal Police members compete in Sudbury Rocks Marathon

Wikwemikong Tribal Police members compete in Sudbury Rocks Marathon

Several Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service officers, in photo Constables Sierra Pangowish, Daniel Young, Lance Kitchikake and Tom Van Drunen, along with Sergeant Bill McComb, acting chief of police Jason Spooner, (along with Sergeant Jamie Peltier, missing from photo) took part in the annual Sudbury Rocks Race.

SUDBURY—For the first time as a group of officers, several members of the Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service (WTPS) took part in the annual Sudbury Rocks Race on May 26.

“We had seven of us taking part,” said Jamie Peltier, sergeant with WTPS. “This was the first time we have taken part in this event as a unit and we had shirts made up for our team,” he said, noting he took part in the race five years ago, and other officers have taken part in the past as well.

“Jason Spooner our acting chief of police (who took part in the half marathon) is big into fitness, and he encouraged us to take part as well,” said Sergeant Peltier. “Three officers participated in the 10-kilometre run, and the rest of us were in the five-kilometre race.

“A couple of our officers have had family members who have had cancer so that is why they wanted to take part as well,” said Sergeant Peltier.

“Fitness has been encouraged for a healthy lifestyle with the WTPS staff also participating in February’s Heart and Stroke Month. Staff walked a whopping 1.5 million steps for the month,” continued Sergeant Peltier.

Constables Sierra Pangowish and Daniel Young, Sergeant Bill McComb, A/COP Spooner, Constables Lance Kitchikake, Tom Van Drunen and Sergeant Peltier took part.

More than 1,600 people took part in the race, with organizers estimating that the race raised more than $100,000 for the Northern Cancer Foundation.

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