Wikwemikong Police Service Holiday Traffic Safety


WIKWEMIKONG–Due to the increase in drinking and driving incidents and speeding complaints around the holidays each year, Wikwemikong  Police Service will be actively searching for speeders and impaired drivers this holiday season and into the New Year. 

Wikwemikong Police Service now has a fully operational moving radar police unit with qualified operators in moving and stationary radar and is asking drivers to slow down.  If you plan on drinking at the holiday party or at a restaurant, hand the keys over to a sober friend or family member.

As part of the 2015 and 2016 holidays, police will be increasing the number of patrols, setting up R.I.D.E checks and speed checks to reach out to all drivers. If you’re drinking and driving or speeding, Wikwemikong Police Service will stop you.

If you see an impaired driver, speeding or aggressive drivers on the road call the police right away. If someone you know is about to drive after drinking, take their keys and help them get home safely.

Please follow these tips to keep the holidays safe and happy:

  • One drink can impair your judgment and increase the risk of getting arrested for impaired driving—or worse, the risk of having a crash.
  • If you will be drinking, do not plan on driving. Plan ahead; designate a sober driver before the party begins.
  • If you have been drinking, do not drive. Call a sober friend or family member.

Remember, driving after drinking should never be an option. Drive with Reason this Holiday Season and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.