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When is a law not a law?

Dissappointment expressed over the lack of enforcement of non-smoking rules on hospital grounds

To the Expositor:

Re: Prohibition of Smoking on Hospital Grounds

When is a “Law” not a Law?

That is easy—when it is not enforced!

A short time ago, hundreds of thousands of Ontario residents, and visitors, were very pleased when legislation was passed which strictly forbids smoking of any kind from taking place anywhere on hospital grounds, including doorways, entrances, washrooms, parking and green areas. Wonderful! But wait, it still is happening!

Last Thursday, it was necessary to attend at our Emergency Department for treatment related to the “Manitoulin Flu.” When we arrived, and parked in the handicapped parking space, my wife and I noticed three adult males standing right up against the emergency doors, smoking. My wife said she would inform hospital staff, and entered the hospital. I asked one of the males if he had not seen the sign, while pointing to it. He glanced at the sign, then said, “I don’t see no sign.” I then read it to him, and got the same response, “I don’t see no sign,” at which the other two grinned.

While registering, I also mentioned it to staff and was told that there was no point in going out and telling them to stop, as they would just sass her back and carry on smoking, throwing their butts on the ground, and entering the hospital.

So, it would appear that this legislation most of us have long awaited is not what we had hoped it would be, as apparently, it will not be enforced.

Sad, isn’t it? We had thought the problem had been solved.


Robert Paxton

Little Current

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