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Western Manitoulin church men grow moustaches and beards to benefit cancer patients, research

Some male members of the Western Manitoulin United Churches sported moustaches during November to help raise funds and awareness in the fight against cancer.

SILVER WATER—They came back to church with a whole lot more hair on their faces than earlier in November; letting their moustaches grow-all for a good cause.

Some of the gentlemen of the Western Manitoulin United Churches took up November’s “Movember Challenge” by allowing their moustaches to grow in recognition of men’s cancer health issues. Said one octogenarian, “I’ve never had a moustache before. I had to cut it twice to keep from tripping over it.”

The wife of another gentleman said, “that thing is getting shaved off this afternoon!”

As was previously reported, the church recognized October as Breast Cancer Month and looked forward with a challenge and a donation at the same time, to November or what is also known as Movember. Reverend Janice Frame had challenged all the men in the congregation to grow moustaches and beards in November. And in support of this challenge Don and Evelyn Nelson had pledged to donate $10 per man who participates and grows a moustache in November.

Mr. Nelson told the Recorder, “people have certainly taken up the challenge and have got involved, and this is just the start.” He explained that nine men in the United Church congregation grew moustaches during November. “We had pledged to donate $10 toward cancer for each man that did this, so that amounted to $90. Since Sunday, people have been handing me money in the amount of another $195. And $50 has been donated by the Wannabes (ladies in the United Church who, along with Jim Smith, wore fake moustaches this past Sunday).”

“And others had told me previously to let them know how many men grew a moustache or beard, and they would make a donation,” said Mr. Nelson. “People can make a donation to the cancer charity or for cancer research of their choice. And Evelyn and my donation is going to the Daffodil Terrace in Sudbury, where people who are getting cancer treatment or families of the patient can stay.”


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