Home News Local Volunteer, resident feted at annual Manitoulin Lodge summer barbecue

Volunteer, resident feted at annual Manitoulin Lodge summer barbecue

Jaime Lynn-Kalmikov, administrator of the Manitoulin Lodge Nursing Home in photo left and Gloria Hall, activities coordinator at the Lodge, flank volunteer Donna Noble who was presented with the Circle of Excellence volunteer award. The presentation was made at the Lodge annual barbecue party last Friday in Gore Bay.

GORE BAY—Manitoulin Lodge Nursing Home held its annual barbecue party last Friday, an event at which the Lodge presents volunteer Circle of Excellence and resident Making a Difference Awards.

After Gloria Hall, activities coordinator at the Lodge welcomed everyone to the event, Jaime-Lynn Kalmikov, administrator, said, “We wanted to thank all our very valuable and appreciated volunteers that put in so much time, effort and energy into making this event a success. This event is a huge supporter for the volunteer program who then organize activities and events for our residents.”

“Our volunteers at Manitoulin Lodge play such an important role in improving the quality of life for our residents,” said Ms. Kalmikov. “Throughout the year, they attend regular meetings to plan a multitude of events for our residents. Some of the big events include men’s and ladies’ breakfasts, lumberjack day, the annual Santa Claus parade, annual Christmas party and the June days event you see here today, just to mention a few. Not only have our volunteers put so much effort into events, but everything they do for our residents, from spending one-on-one time, escorting residents to their appointments, planning activities, running activities, bringing their pets in for visits, organizing events, baking, cooking for supper club, donating baked goods and their very valuable time they spend in our home, which is so amazing!”

“And a big shout out to Bob Cacciotti, Phyllis’ husband for lugging items and helping set everything up here today and storing some of the Lodge volunteers stuff in his garage,” said Ms. Kalmikov. 

“The work our volunteers do is exceptional, and we truly appreciate you all and thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our home,” said Ms. Kalmikov. “I hope everyone can enjoy this event, raising funds to continue to support all the wonderful activities our volunteers arrange. Please join us in a round of applause for our amazing volunteers.”

“Every year we have a hard decision to make, as we choose a volunteer to receive the Circle of Excellence award,” stated Gloria Hall, activities coordinator at the Lodge. “This award is given to someone who goes above and beyond to make our home the best it can be for the residents who call Manitoulin Lodge home.”

“This year’s winner is most deserving and chosen by both residents and volunteers,” said Ms. Hall. “Donna Marine Noble (Foster) was born on January 26, 1957 to Marie and Joe Foster. Her early years began in the Waldimer-Grant Valley area, but life took a significant turn when her family moved to Manitoulin Island, the place where her father Joe was from. The eldest of seven children, she quickly learned the values of responsibility, dedication and care as both her parents held full-time jobs in care-oriented professions.”

“Growing up in this environment, where the values of hard work, empathy and community service were not just taught but demonstrated daily, profoundly shaped Donna as an individual,” said Ms. Hall. “Her parents’ dedication to helping others instilled in her a lifelong commitment to volunteering and making a positive community impact, with selflessness and civic duty ingrained from an early age,” continued Ms. Hall.

Ms. Noble went on to have four children, Dawn, Sara, Kurtis and Kyle, and became a proud grandmother to 11 grandchildren: Braydon, Brianna, Patrick, Rowan, Ben, Isla, Blair, Archie Aedan, Vivianne and Alena. She has always been the cornerstone to her family,” continued Ms. Hall. “While her husband was busy building the family business, she not only held a full-time job in the Land Registry Office but also managed a bustling household. From coordinating numerous sports and social activities, preparing meals and handling household chores, to organizing appointments and childcare, she did it all with love and made sure she gave individual attention to whomever needed it.”

“Donna’s involvement in the extracurricular activities of her children was abundant. Whether sewing Halloween costumes or outfits for figure skating carnivals, baking for school functions, decorating for special occasions or working at hockey events to fundraise for her children’s teams and activities, her dedication extended beyond her own children as she always instilled the importance of caring for our community at large,” said Ms. Hall.

Ms. Hall explained, “As her children grew older and started their own families, Donna shifted her focus to community-based volunteering. She helped found the Friends of the Community Hall, raising money for upgrades and improvements. Her efforts also benefited the Friends of the Playground and the Gore Bay recreation committee, ensuring that the wider community had access to better facilities. Additionally, Donna helps periodically with the United Church, contributing to events and fundraising initiatives.”

“Even as Donna immerses herself in community volunteerism, she never ceased to care for her family. She lovingly cared for her mother Marie and supported her mother-in-law Ruby in their final stages, taking them to appointments, out for drives and dinner, bringing them meals and simply spending time with them, making sure they felt loved and cared for,” said Ms. Hall. “Today, she is deeply involved in caring for her dad Joe and the grandchildren whenever needed. Donna never stops giving!”

“Donna is a true testament to the power of dedication, love and community spirit,” stated Ms. Hall. “She is an amazing role model and inspires her family to adopt the same approach to life. Donna’s life of service has touched so many, and her legacy of care and volunteerism will continue to influence us all.”

“She continues to encourage her children to volunteer. We are lucky that two of her children have volunteered today, Kyle and Kurtis. Dawn has provided some of this information as I am sure the others had a hand,” continued Ms. Hall. 

“Donna makes a difference in the lives of many, she organizes the hair care volunteers, (volunteers who assist Jackie the hairdresser, she helps with various events like supper club, ladies’ breakfast and special monthly events and outings like picnics, attending community functions and attending Community Church to name a few.”

“Donna is a valuable member of the hard-working volunteer program. She attends monthly meetings and steps up to fill a position when someone is absent,” said Ms. Hall. “She also makes sure residents are not forgotten by sending out sympathy cards to family, get well, thinking of you and other cards.” 

“Donna has been a great asset with organizing events like this one today,” said Ms. Hall. “It’s a great pleasure to present this much deserved Circle of Excellence award to Donna Noble. Congratulations!”

To begin the ceremony, Ms. Hall read a Land Acknowledgment to coincide with the June 21 National Indigenous Day. 

Music was provided throughout the late morning and early afternoon by Family Tradition while Lodge volunteers put on a barbecue and bake sale.

The event was sponsored by the Manitoulin Lodge volunteer program with all proceeds going to resident programs and activities. 

See next week’s edition of The Expositor for more news coverage and photos.

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