Home News Local Tehkummah votes 2014

Tehkummah votes 2014


Ron Hierons

Ron Hierons is a retired contractor who moved to Tehkummah 11 years ago with his wife and took up farming. “I’m a better Haweater than the Haweaters,” he jokes. “I’m here by choice.”

The conversation took a serious turn as Mr. Hierons explained his decision to run for Tehkummah council in this year’s municipal elections. “I think I can be an asset to the community,” he stated. “I have a lot of business experience. I’ve always worked for myself and I’ve run a fairly large company.”

“With the amount of people that I employed, I feel that I am well gifted at dealing with people and conflicts,” he continued. “I can take on projects and get them done.”

He feels there are many concerns that need to be addressed by the council that will be elected on October 27 but declined to discuss any specific items. “There’s a number of issues. We’ll have to deal with them when and if we’re elected. We’ve got to move forward.”

Mr. Hieron thinks he is well known in the community. Some might know him for his work on the replica of the lighthouse at Michael’s Bay in 2005/2006. “Ron Anstice and I built that,” he said. “There were some volunteers, Reg Leeson, Chris Hess, Cliff Morrison and Andre Probst, and some others who helped with siding and painting. I have a friend in southern Ontario who owns a big foundry. We had them cast a new ring for the bottom. I put a lot of work into that project.” The replica was built entirely with volunteer labour and donated materials.

He is a hands-on person who likes to help out where there’s a need. More recently, Mr. Hieron helped shingle the roof at St. Andrews by the Sea United Church in South Baymouth. “I heard an ad on the radio that said they needed help so I just showed up. I don’t even belong to the church. There was myself and two others, and we got it done.”

This is Mr. Hieron’s first foray into the political arena. “I just feel that my knowledge and experience would be an asset to the community,” he said.


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