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Tehkummah Talk and Times

Joan Sagle—The Gladiolus look lovely in “your” vase—vayse—voz?

I spent the afternoon at Joan’s (cousin). We were organizing a special music night for October 10 at the Tehkummah Hall. Lorna joined us for the tea and chocolate cake. We checked out the bird book for unusual sightings.

Poppy today is “Skunk dog”. She dug up some of my flowers trying to defuse her smell?

Tuesday morning—Cal is off to Sudbury today for a needle in the eye again. At least it’s only every three months now. He is travelling today with his brother Lyle. This morning too I took a walk down memory lane by going through a few photo albums. My how the years change things. Not a lot of photos of me, I was usually on the other end of the camera.

Sherry called in on Wednesday evening with the largest Puffball I’ve ever seen. I imagine it was between 10 to 15 pounds. Too bad it was too far gone. If they dent even a little bit I don’t take a chance on them! I think one of the girls from work left it for her.

What a wild and wooly morning. Not cold but I’ll bet trees will fall today.

It’s three years today since I had the heart valve replacement. At least my mid bone doesn’t scrunch any more. Made me feel ill! I should fill the kettle. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t lose our hydro. The wind chimes above me are sure making a noise, and can’t hear myself think with the wind’s roar. Anstice’s must be cutting corn. The machine sounds like it is too close for comfort.

Mum was saying yesterday she got a call from Connie (Gourlay) Adamson (her niece/my cousin). We hadn’t heard from her in forever!

Five tables for cribbage on Wednesday. Lots of wonderful food again. Thank you all! My partner today was Pat (Norton). We came in fourth. I guess that’s pretty good! We had an unprecedented five, “24” hands—me, Cal, Gib, Glenn and Lori. Tied for first, Cal and Gib; 950, Janet and Glenn; 931, Lori and Rick; door prizes, (2) ?; low, 866, Mum and Mary. Lois had her son-in-law Simpson for a partner.

There were four tables for euchre. Ladies’ high, me, 70, and 4 lone hands; ladies’ low, Linda B., 54; men’s high, Clive, 72; men’s lone hands, Andy, 3; men’s low, Graham, 45; door prize, Raymond. Margaret made the good lunch. Thank you to all who support us.

I stopped and visited Susan and Simon one day this week. Mum had supper at Pauline and Wayne’s with the afore-mentioned folk too on Saturday evening. I shared a meal with Cal. Later we went to Sherry and Dave’s for Sequence.

Well how do you like the rainy season? Pauline and Wayne picked the sunny week to take their break and their shell—camped out and fished Meldrum Bay, Stanley Park, and enjoyed the fall colour.

It was beautiful this Monday morning. The sun highlighting the coloured leaves, but the clouds don’t let the sun through for long.

Sunday Church was at Fairview—Worldwide communion. June gave an interesting talk on “the Blood”, Mum sang again the song “The Flowers The Sunset The Trees.” This time she had the missing lines. Beautiful words. We lunched afterwards at Carol’s and Earl’s—Burt, Elaine, Mary, Simon, June.

After, I let Mum skunk me at cards, but the day before I did a double and beat her one too. Mary skunked Dorothy in the next apartment! Dorothy is now the “new” neighbour there too, moved in this past week.

I beat Cal a game on Saturday, he whomped me a couple on Sunday. Saturday we took in some yard sales, Barney’s and Holmes’.

Sunday evening we had a few games of cribbage at the new cosy camp.

Ray had been hunting. Dave cutting wood. Skylar gathering her rock collections. We had delicious soup and garden sandwiches.

It hasn’t been the best week for scattering flower seeds. I’ve got quite a few in the van to go. The mint, catnip, lemon balm and lavender, has dried up pretty well. Some of the bags I left open yet. Did I tell you I dry it in the car?

Friday evening, October 10, don’t forget the music night at the Tehkummah Hall for Burt and Elaine Bosje. Should be a fun evening.

The snowbirds are here! What does that mean—I had a nice visit on Thursday at the laundromat with some Manitoba/Manitoulin folk. Had my breakfast that day at Mum’s Restaurant. Met Marilyn White twice that morning. Got to see Pinas nice smile again.


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
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