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Tehkummah Talk & Times

Pauline just phoned and asked ‘what are you doing?’ So I told her, I was wiping cream of broccoli soup off my legs. No, it’s not a new beauty treatment for old folks, but already it’s been one of those days, and it’s only 8:30 am. It started an hour ago; anymore, trees hide my morning skyline, but I could see a red ball. I wanted to see more, so after I found my keys I went out into the morning, and what a lovely one it is. As I drove, the emotion of the beauty got me. KT said on the radio that someone was out taking pictures and maybe it’s time I got my camera (I bought it over a year ago) operational! Do you ever notice how off track I get? Anyway, I hope you all got to see the morning sunrise; little strips of fog were coloured pink and gold over the land. The sun an orb, golden red clouds in front, illuminated halos from the sun. A huge cloud left a dark V into the sky while rays and prisms soared up to the blue. I just drove to Scott’s lane, but it’s hard to absorb all the beauty. But, I digress, back to the soup story. First I decided I needed a coffee, dropped the kettle. I just mumbled a bit. When coffee was ready it needed cream, right, so somehow when I got that out, I must have hit the handle of the mug; therefore the soup splashed and now, after telling you this story, I have to go and clean the rest of it off the floor. Did you notice how long this story was? A whole page and a half of ink, and this day started so well, and my lunch is gone! It’s no wonder people feel sorry for me! Right!

Yesterday I was so proud of myself. I got one of my bedroom windows cleaned. I’m not sure how long in the past that happened before, lots of dirt, lots of spiders, my favourite things? I did make the aforementioned soup too, and after winning at cards against Mum, it was kind of a day of accomplishments! Oh yeah, picked more seeds to throw roadside!

Pauline, Susan and I stopped in at Mum’s to find her neighbour, Dorothy Cronk, winning the cribbage games tonight. We had just come from the complex at West Bay, where we called in to offer our sympathies to Crystal and Carol McCauley. Carol had just received word that her brother had passed away. It never rains that it pours, as the saying goes. Sympathy again.

Too it is with sadness we offer condolence to Jeneen and family in the loss of Reuben. We will all miss him and his friendly gentle humour. So much a part of our church and community life here in Tehkummah. “The willing hands and heart couple.”

Joan stopped in for a short visit. Thursday evening is Bid Euchre night at 7:30 pm. (The first Thursday monthly.)

I came darned close to getting “skunked” on my home from Sandfield euchre, and darn close to getting “deered” going over. Both at Watson Camp Road! 5.75 tables tonight: ladies’ high, Sheila, 77; lone hands, Rose, 5; low, Florence, 40; men’s high, Stan A, 86 and 6; lone hands/low, John, 53; draw, Sheila; lunch, Rose, Annette, Reg and Linda.

Tehkummah cribbage, 8 tables: high hands, Patrysha and Mary, 24; first, Bert and Joy, 958; second, Donna and Vi, 936; third, Ruth and Bill McG, 919; low, Lorrie and Margaret, 875; door, Glenda, Florence and Ruth McG. Great lunch, thank you all.

I’m seeing an awful lot of heaven in the clouds lately everywhere I look. Tonight over Lake Manitou in its pink and purple show, earlier today over South Bay and clouds of how many shades of grey, so picturesque, one could get lost in them!

Say, I don’t know who keeps up that lovely little park beside the Manitoulin River. It is so welcoming looking (Sandfield).

Well, here it is Thursday evening already. My day started writing more cards and notes, then to South Baymouth to see Sherry and Rita off on the ferry as they head into the land of earthquakes and hurricanes. Hopefully not to encounter the same! They’re going as far as Kathy’s, and she’s joining them in their adventure. Hopefully this time Sherry left her hunting supplies (i.e. 22 shell) behind!

I just stopped for a visit with Mum and Riley (who waits for me; he watches my van at the Hall.) Short visit, I’m tired, got my two weeks of K.P. in; Joan Beard helped tonight. There were four tables: winners ladies’ high, Sheila, 94 and 5; lone hands, low, Laurene, 41; men’s high, Dave Nelder, 81; Raymond,2 lone hands; low, Dorothy, 57; Raymond won the door prize.

Earlier in the day I won one crib game to Mum’s two!

Got a lovely card and note today, thanks Elaine (Renton) Viola.

Cal also came to South Baymouth to see the big ships; I was looking for the girls’ cars parked beside me. Sherry said I didn’t recognize it without Slash Road dust on it, kind of true.

Went Friday to euchre afternoon in Manitowaning, about 10 tables, gave Sissy a taxi ride to and from White’s Garage. My partner today is Nancy. Not even 9 pm and I’m writing from my bed! A long scenic route drive very relaxing (just saw gravel roads, half moon and stars, oh, yeah, roadside weeds, no wildlife outside of small birds flipping up from said weeds! We had our supper at Carol’s and Earl’s. Saturday, earlier in the day, Mum was winner today at cards (2 of 3) played two before the luncheon at the hall and one after? A huge crowd of family and friends met at the Tehkummah Hall after Reuben’s funeral. It was good to see some of our family, Keith, Elva and Wendy, since it seem like we don’t get together like we used to. Great to have a visit/chat.

Erwin Thompson, he keeps up with me in my column. Joan and I sat on committees with him a few years back. A lot of fun, nice to see faces, despite the sad times. A good lunch served up by Triangle Club members for the family. Keeping you all in our prayers.

Another week shot, another month down, Christmas around the corner? Just less than a month till our annual Christmas tea, bake sale, etc., and many draws.

Martin in the pulpit today, worldwide communion. Linda supplied the bread and wine? I just about didn’t make it to church. I was into songs; I get carried away, sometimes.

We shared table space at Carol’s and Earl’s after: Borden, Joan, Elaine Bosje, Pauline, Wayne, Martin, Lynda and I.

Then I had three games of cards with Mum after I had picked a mess of perennials, sweet pea seeds, and visited kind of, with folks driving by, on Lakeshore Road, it was lovely and warm in the sun even though the breeze was blowing off the water. Picked a few tomatoes when I got home. Need to get garden stuff out.

Hummingbirds still around.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff