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Tehkummah Talk & Times

Monday night after bingo the song of the Spring Peepers filled the air. Coinciding doing with their “first” appearance were two mosquitos in my house. They didn’t waste any time! Actually it’s two weeks since Skylar pointed out a butterfly (I forgot to mention) and honeybees in the crocus too. Thanks Laura, I found the seeds!

There are lots of turkey vultures circling; I’d better look alive!

The robins are more visible this week, and busy too! Certainly not the princess who slept on a pea. Did you know one could sleep on their glasses, and not even notice? Bet you there were circle shapes somewhere.

I saw one deer on the way up and I almost had meat on the grill on my way home and a car through the back too when a deer ran up out of the ditch and across the road in front of me.

I was at a real surprise party last Thursday night in Little Current. You’ll have to read on to be surprised yourself (in the spirit of the event.)

I felt like a little kid when I was leaving and Julia McCutcheon tied my shoes, and then walked me to my car. It was parked in St. Bernard’s parking lot across the road from Mike and Linda Erskine’s home. What a beautiful big room, and it was full of people who, I think, some hadn’t seen each other for years. I know there were just a few I knew and who it was nice to say hello to. Linda Kelly was my first visit, I sat beside her, and I thought it was an old joke about a hospital leaving a sponge in you after surgery. Apparently not! Ian and Mary (Ian former editor) were also celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and had been married in the Sheguiandah church. They came up from Ottawa. John Savage of the super wonderful wildlife photos in the Expositor gave me an update on Dolly (I had named Poppie’s puppies after country music stars.) They re-named her Winnie, and she is the neighborhood dog, and still beautiful. (She was the sweetest puppy, how old is she?) I didn’t know until then that Alicia had lost her house to a fire last year (or I had forgotten). I next met Sandra and Dan. Sandra is best friend to Julia, and had come to the party from Burlington. Oh did I mention the fact that everyone was there to surprise Rick McCutcheon and offer congratulations on his 50 years in the newspaper business? A beautiful display of photos of his family and business through the years. It seems he’s almost always had a beard! He was cutting the cake with a feather on it (not a real feather) and serving it to everyone. I’ll have mine at the next party, and give him a hug then too. I had thought it time to go, long road home and all when Julia helped me out so now you know. He’s now, kind of almost, I think, an official Haweater after an old gold miner presented a document on behalf of the “Grand Haw”. Also a front-page edition, framed, of the Manitoulin Suppository compliments of Dave Schinbeckler. A few good memories for Rick and Julia to keep, and a darn fine party! My golly, I didn’t mention the food! Not like me?

Pauline and Wayne spent Easter Weekend in Sudbury with Christine, Dave, Anita, Wayne and their families.

Susan was in Sudbury to walk neater? (I think.) Laurene and Cal were in this Monday A.M. Kim, Kathy and Kirby to say goodbye after a wet and short (kind of) weekend, but lovely just the same. I forgot to mention their dog “Toulin.”

Just heard this morning of Audrey Haggart’s death, quite a long battle too; sympathy to the family and friends.

We had an Easter Bunny girl handing out special treats and lottery cards to everyone at cribbage on Wednesday afternoon. She’s so thoughtful, great lunch, seven tables: high hand, Dorothy, 24; first, Noreen and Roger, 952; second, Margaret and Lorrie, 949; third, Keith and Laurene, 945; low, Bert and Joy, 805; door, Noreen, Cal and Sandra.

I intended to mention a 50th wedding anniversary celebration last week, a full family celebration for Freda and Jack, congratulations.

Skylar had her kid’s party last Sunday in her yard with her three friends Libby, Cameron, and Savannah.

I’m writing this Good Friday morning outside in the sun. The field has lost its white coat of frost, and the wee juneoshere in my back yard are giving the grass a good going over. Well don’t I get the darndest phone calls. This fella is making a topless apple pie but I don’t think he quite understood the concept, don’t know how he was going to incorporate his shirt into the recipe?

This Tuesday past, we held our Sr. U.C.W. meeting at Sis Pauline’s home. She opened up her place for Lynda and I. We brought lunch, as always a good meeting and get together. Noreen, Lorna, Mum, Bev came later. She had been visiting Pat McEachern, missing that day, Joan, Audree, Reta and Diane.

Saturday morning rain. I had left the windows down on the van? Did a minimal amount of pruning and raking of leaves from the flowerbeds. I just ain’t what I used to be. I picked a bouquet of pussy willows for the Good Friday service. Many readers, Lina sang, Marg came from Elliot Lake, we all sat in the sun and visited Roy, Tara, Cal too, and he had been visiting Kevin Pattison who is at his Tehkummah home! Roy and Tara invited me to supper and after, I went to the camp where Kathy, Kim and Kirby were into a game. We had a couple of games of Tiki. I didn’t win! I did beat Mum at cribbage again today. I went to Little Current and Manitowaning, took a look in the Barney shops and Freshmart. I can’t believe the Easter Bunny has come and gone. We sure had a family event. Sixteen at Tara’s and Ray’s for a most wonderful dinner and time. Alicia made it from Gore Bay, Travis was working, Lori, Rick, Mum, Cal and I. Mum was winning the Tiki game to start, but the worm turned, a lot of fun. Kim, Lori and Jacob played and sang (guitars) for about three hours. Skyped Christopher in Canmore, Alberta.

Our Sunrise service was fabulous and we were dry and inside at the Knox Church. Nice turnout, super program with Robbie, Kim, Lori, Debbie making music, June and Martin. I read a couple of poems. It was special; we knew the sun was up there somewhere.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff