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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Susan had exciting spring news, some cute baby chicks hatching. She drove me for bloodwork this morning. Then Sherry drove me to my teleconference at Mindemoya and picked up more pills. Sat in the sun a few minutes and visited with Cal. Sherry opened a package from Kathy, a whole lot of beautiful scarves in the mail. Mary O. came along with baked beans. I had a couple of hours sleep in my chair.

Cal phoned with more spring news—baby foxes under the shed again this year. Cole got photographs (how cute).

I’ve already heard from CCAC and I’m going to get some hydration (IV).

What a beautiful spring day.

I just got my new phones up and running in time (need answer machines), just got the bathroom taps, etc. operating well.

I’ve been steady on the phone or trying to figure things out, seems so much information is necessary.

I’ve been up and down and boggled around, poor Sherry has too much to contend with. Lots of confusion. My beautiful veins disappeared and created havoc for all and sundry, and I had to go to Emerg to get a four-hour IV feed.

Sherry got to go to the Mother’s Day Tea in between delivering me up and reclaiming me (God bless her). We saw Tara, nurse practitioner, and a young and lovely Ashley  who is just about through here.

A very thorough young lady and a lovely smile.

Mum and I didn’t get to see the Chi-Cheemaun come in, but we did watch it go out, no parking spots on Main Street (hard to unroll the side walks!) Summer season is underway.

We stopped at the Garden Shed on our way home, Mum’s treat, she bought me a plant too. Looking flowery down there.

Back home, sat in the yard with Susan and Brenda (Robinson), nice little visit, then I had a four-hour nap? Tara invited me for chicken, corn and baked potato. I was already enjoying the same menu.

An “angel” called on me on Thursday morning, left me feeling and smelling? better. 6am I hear the cardinal singing so beautifully this Saturday morning.

Hope everyone had the happiest Mother’s Day. It kind of crept up on me. Sympathy to Anna Lewis in the loss of her mother this week.

Dorothy gave me the cribbage scores (3). High hand, Mary and Joy, 24; 1st place, Simon and Marg, 939; 2nd, Lori and Rick, 927; 3rd, Joy and Bert, 923, and Keith and Bob, 923; low; Dorothy and Audrie, 823; door; Doris, Lori and Lyla.

Hope all had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I reclined most of my day, got nice flowers brought to me anyway. This is the first time I’ve missed the Mother’s Day family get-together, I think. Cal phoned later in the day and invited me for chicken dinner. Sherry drove me home, good supper, good cribbage games, we each won one.

Mum and I played in the light of the window on Saturday morning (no hydro). I won two of three.

Riley made a break for it and somehow they are one cute small chipmunk short around the corner!


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