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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Our new Township Clerk, who I just met by name this week, is Karen Gerrard. She conducted a town hall meeting on Tuesday evening to get pubic input into our township’s concerns and priorities. Now I don’t get concerned or get involved in the local politics and goings on but I found it very informative and at least I found out what needed fixing! A fairly good crowd so there is much interest.

Well, two days in a row, my mother has skunked me and beat me, and I  (fool that I am) still go back for more.

Nine tables for cribbage; if you want to join in the fun the tournaments start at 1:30pm, Wednesday afternoons, High hand, Ruth McGregor, 24; first place, Bill and Ruth, 950; second, Joy and Bert, 934; third, Betty Jean and Bill, 918; low, Graham and Sheila, 826; door, Lorrie, Jean (Mum) and me. Always a good snack at half time. Thanks to all who bring goodies, etc. Thanks Dorothy and cleaners supporters.

Here it is cribbage day already. I have some pizza type crust started so don’t know what I will make today. I see the sun again and the bit of rain overnight should get our tulips (150) and daffodils restarted. Rosie helped yesterday and we dug a small bed and planted at the Fairview Church Canada 150 red and white tulips and forever 120, coming up (we hope to bloom!)

A most wonderful crowd for the birthday party at the hall (Triangle Clubs) celebrating our two special ladies, Audrie (Williamson) on her actual birthdate, and Mum’s, Jean (McCauley) birthday on the 25th. December birthdays Cal (Pyette), December 1, Margaret (McCarthy), and mine, December 31. A beautiful cake and lunch was served after the birthday song and after the great music of the afternoon, Lyle, Gordie, Norm, and Peter, guest singer Helen, Mum, and Rick (Gordon alias “Stompin Tom”.) Audrie had lots of her long distance (Sudbury) family with her too. Mary and Floyd were K.P. duty (how wonderful to see these two 100-year-olds still enjoying life to the fullest.)

Happy belated birthday Lyle Pyette.

Cal spent Wednesday evening playing euchre with Raymond (Chatwell), Mike and Shelly.

Thursday seemed long and busy, another great day spent with my daughter as she drove me to Sudbury for my apt with Dr. Nauvaz. The old heart is still tickin’, and that’s a good thing?! It was a beautiful day again weather-wise, and the reflections were perfect in each little pond and lake. We shopped before and after, saw lots of Manitouliners doing the same. I was trying to run my shopping cart into sister Susan’s. She looked surprised to see me, she was shopping with her friend Chris, also saw Joan Vyse and Bill Cox and Shannon at the Dollar Store (and more). We had our lunch (Sherry was starved) at the King’s Buffet.

When I got home I went to the hall where a euchre tournament was underway and it worked out then to nine full tables.

Friday morning: Laundromat Mindemoya, cards with Mum, played out early. When I leave stuff to morning, it fails me. Sympathy to the family and friends of Marilyn Merry, also to the family of John Moote. Mum worked for them when they owned the Buckhorn Motel a “few” years back! (South Baymouth folk).

The girls’ day out, shopping, visiting and eating, bet it was fun. Sisters, Debbie, Heather, and Chrissy, Lori and aunt Bids. (Hi Ho, Hi Ho, to Sudbury we go.)

On Friday night, I really didn’t want to “Soar with Eagles” and the cardiology lesson wasn’t that “overpowering.” What I’m saying is Margaret and I didn’t get too badly beat playing cribbage. A nice dinner and evening spent with Margaret and Brian (McCarthy) a few laughs! It’s all in the “cards,” really guys.

Happy Birthday Carol, November 24 (Carol’s and Earl’s). Happy Birthday Barb Bowerman, Liz Stillwaugh and Mum, November 25.

Have a safe and happy hunting season all.

Wind, wind, wind’s north, east, and wildly all directions! Relentless.

Saturday, visiting friends from the Island West End. The gentleman who sat across from us at the supper was from Port Huron. Also besides me, meeting them for the first time (she reads me) were Bonny and Jim Philip from Sudbury with friends/neighbours Barry and Lynda VanHorne, of Lively. Lynda also was granddaughter to Sadie and Frank Bowerman. That’s who Mum and Dad bought the/our farm from in 1948.

Larry “The Voice” stopped to say hello. I never forget a smile, but I’m sure bad with names, and he has kindly leant his voice when we have needed to be heard at the hall, on occasion.

A great crowd for the first sitting, at the annual turkey supper, a fundraiser for the St. Andrews by the Sea United Church in South Baymouth. Loads of helpers, successful turnout, good to say hello to so many, and rate a hug or two. That’s one of the nice things (besides the food) about these big events.

I just got home via the Gib and Florence taxi, what an awful night out there, high winds, cold, blowing snow, but I’m tucked into my bed as I write with a cat on top of my knees (part of the heating system).

The girls finally won four in a row. So the guys quit; I think they won the first 4.

Tonight was official camp opening at the Snort’n Pole Lodge. The theme this year was black and white. Tara and Skylar got top honours as “Bank Robbers.” There were black and white carnations, from casual snazzy to nightwear (me). John and his computer start with the second week of deer camp (song) and a run through of their awards and summer activities. (We see big and bigger fish every year!) There was some discussion on what exactly was required to be winner of the annual Big Buck trophy. A vote by the attendants at this shindig decided Ray qualified even though he didn’t enter the competition and so it turned out that, somehow, his name was printed on the plate as well as Sherry’s. A competition of song, poetry, and joke, or limerick, between Sr. camp members and junior camp members was a tie, a lot of fun and laughs, and happy birthday was sung to Grandma Jean by all.

The dinner prior to the entertainment and program featured Kim’s good cooking of pulled venison (delish) moose balls bacon wrapped, wild turkey. Many pot luck dishes and desserts by attendees, a delicious tray of appetizers prepared by Gail. Kim, Jacob and Tory had guitars. Wayne, Pauline, Steve, Gail, Ray, Tara, Skylar, Dave, Sherry, Travis, and Alicia, John, Mum, and I. From the lower camp, Ed, his son Steve, and Steve’s son-in-law, Matthew.

Did I miss anyone? Some of our usual gang were missing.

Mum beat me a couple of cribbage games after church. Church today was featuring life as the journey and tied in with celebrating Mum and Audries’ 100th birthdays. Mary O’Neil said a few words about Audrie and presented a bouquet of flowers and a card. I gave a short blurb on Mum’s life and did the same. Pauline and I sang the mother song. There is a group of knitters named the “Coroleers” in memory of Corol Collins who did start the prayer shawl (they knit the prayers in)? Those from the group who were there (Lynda Garniss, Kathy Hill, Pat Novak and Bev Lynch,) presented both Mum and Audrie with shawls (photographs taken), and some favourite hymns were sung.

Advent is starting, white gift in two weeks at St. Andrews. Pancake breakfast “with Santa” coming up in Tehkummah December 4.


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