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Tehkummah Talk and Times

I put my thumb thing beside my bed, as I do most of my reading at night. Dick and Eunice Bowerman always have thumb thing unique in hand!! (Holds your book open, priceless). Friday noon/beat Mum and skunked one!! A trip in to Barneys, picked up Cal on the way home, tiny bit of weeding, a nap, and a drive to South Baymouth. The ferry wasn’t jumping as much as earlier when it was rocking in the wind and rolling on the waves a bit!!

A slight thunderstorm and a downpour. My thumb thing doesn’t work as I’m left handed. I hold my book at the top and the angle isn’t just right, I’m writing this at 3am. (I’ll practise). Unless I lost track, 97 vehicles came off the ferry and 22 went back across Friday evening. Well, I asked the young lady that I had danced with at Cole and Alicia’s wedding what her name was. She’s a sweet one with a nice smile, and her name is Chloe. Another Bowerman event, Andy and Linda celebrated their “50th” wedding anniversary, on Saturday with a come and go tea in the afternoon and a dinner for family that started at six. Great music by the Islanders, Lyle, George, Gordy, Norm, Harold and Peter. Some speeches and presentations/stories by Steve McCeed. The hall was pretty, Gold 50th balloons too floated above the festivities. The Jr. U.C.W. helped out by serving in the afternoon, looked like family in the kitchen later, working. In between, and after, “I won” cards at Mum’s. (I’m on a two day roll). Nice to see family to say Hello. Karen and Wayne from Orangeville way had a bumpy ride on the ferry, with some of their family. I didn’t know the younger folk, Marissa and Brad. I complimented them on what a good job they did running/cooking the fish and chips at South Baymouth this past summer. Met Linda and Andy’s near neighbours, Ann and Henry.

Sunday, Cal picked me up and took me down to Sherry and Dave’s for supper. Tara and Skylar were my taxi home. They had quite a houseful, my grandson Tory, Amelia, Desmond and Declan. Visiting this weekend from Ottawa, staying with Tavis and Alicia in Gore Bay. Grandma Marion and Marg. Tara, Ray, and Skylar (Tara worked), does that add up to 16? Marilyn and Wayne had take out, or take in, delivered by Dave (Marilyn wasn’t feeling well.)

I hear Marge Aasen isn’t well, so thinking of you!

We went to church earlier today, of course, the sermon was on gratitude!! We do have much to be thankful for. Living where we do, and our harvest and our “Harvest Glory Days” and aren’t there some wonderful displays (love South Baymouth’s). Mum and I sat with Joan and Gus. Joan celebrated her 80th (I’m following shortly) birthday surrounded by most all of her family at the Grill and Chill on Saturday (a surprise). She was happy.

Speaking of Chill, the air seems frosty tonight!

“Family Brown” helped fill up St. Andrew’s Church today.

Cal had Joseph (his great nephew) and his girlfriend, visiting on Sunday 10th afternoon. Last weekend I missed seeing Anita, Faith, and her Beau, also visiting Uncle Cal. Staying with Anita’s parents, Gib and Florence Pyette in Mindemoya.

How are you doing Lloyd Thomas?

A drive, a long leisurely one, on Monday, up Prov road to West Bay, Little Current and home; some colourful vistas, lovely scenery. Boy things change when you don’t go travelling much. Saw lots of new  stuff. We had a sandwich here, after we got back and I had another early tonight.

Laurene had been in for a visit. On Wednesday evening we drove through the rain to Sandfield Euchre. Marg (Case) Laurence and I (thunder and lightning too). But we don’t seem to get storms like we used to??

Eight tables for cribbage at Tehkummah Wednesday afternoon. Because they are run on “Tournament Form” the more players the better the payouts. Always a lot of fun. The food was pretty well all desserts, high calorie and delicious. Thank you all who bring food each week and for joining the fun.

High hands (2) Graham and Laura; first, Janet and Patrysha, 951; second, Doris and Sandra, 940; third, Eugene and Dorothy, 925; low, Glenda and Georgina, 805; door, Me, Pat, Florence and Rick (Sharpe).

Rick (Gordon) had to have another cast put on his hand, lucky there’s lots of sports on TV these days.

A lazy day, I was awake when emergency vehicles went through at 12:30am, and still awake at 5, but then after breakfast back to bed and in there till 2pm. Got some mail ready for the Post Office, went and played cards with Mum, after a little visit with Dorothy (Cronk). We played six games of cribbage. Needless to say I was not the winner today, but she fed me baked potato and Swiss steak for supper. I left there and went to the hall for Euchre. Three and three quarter tables. Jean and Reuban put on a delish lunch!

Ladies high, Laurene; lone hands??; low, Florence; men’s high??; lone hands??; two skunks, Graham and Sheila; door prize, Laurence.

Roll out those Hazy Lazy Daisy days of autumn!!

The leaves are starting to fly, I think the bit of startling colour has past; and the bite of fall is definitely felt in the evenings and mornings.

Talking to Derek in Mackenzie on Friday morning and he was in a wild and windy snowstorm out there, and wishing he was here on the Island.

Cal and I watched the Friday evening traffic come off the ferry, 36 off, 13 on. We had our supper at Carol and Earl’s. Rhonda and Don Banfield were visiting family on the Island. Had to bug Rhonda’s sister Shirley from Simcoe for info this A.M.

First scooped four fruit flies (try to say that fast) out of my coffee cup. I guess microwaving it purifies and sterilizes while adding flavour and protein (probably really healthy?)

Last evening the Tiki game winners were Simon and Pauline.

We had a good chicken dinner, fresh picked beans and carrots, and Susan’s cake at Pauline and Wayne’s. Pauline was Mum and my taxi going there, and Susan and Simon return.

My van is under the weather.

We sat in the sun and visited Saturday afternoon, beautiful. Kim, Kathy and Kirby were back at camp for a couple of days. I’m awaiting another taxi as I write to go back there for breakfast (Sunday morning).

I keep finding poems I can’t remember writing, some need a little refinement.

Cal just about got double skunked when we were on our way home from Mindemoya Sunday night; he narrowly missed two young skunks on the road. Actually we had been playing cribbage with Gib and Florence and of the six games played we (the girls) only won the first two. If my memory doesn’t fail me, we also got skunked about the fourth. We dropped in on them after having a delicious hot pork sandwich at “Mum’s” restaurant.

I had my breakfast at the camp, taxi driver Kathy came for me. We stopped and invited Cal back too. Sherry and Dave were there. Afterwards the hunting/nature party went bush travelling, while Kath and I played five games. I didn’t do well there either, also found a skunk?? Kirby drove me home. “Toulin”, their 8 month old puppy has grown and is doing well now, as strength comes back into his broken leg. Though it seems shorter (he has no joint in his hip, or is that a socket?) He puts weight on it sparingly.

They were heading home this afternoon. The bush was just beautiful in its colorful autumn attire. Soak it in!!

You know its not easy being a person who tries to arrange life and body, around a cat or three!?

Talked to cousin Joan this Monday morning, golly it’s soon. Our U.C.W. annual Christmas tea and more!!!

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff